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7 years later and struggling


Hello Everyone!

I had a gastric bypass about 8 years ago at the ripe age of 15. It went well and I lost a lot of weight. More importantly, I was healthy. Then, disaster struck.

About 1 year ago I was working on an archaeological dig when I fell and broke my ankle. Badly. I had to have surgery to put in a plate and eight screws. I spent 4 months unable to walk at all and have been slowly recovering ever since. I am still in a lot of pain at times due to tendonitis.

When I broke my ankle, my lifestyle drastically changed, I couldn't move and exercise anymore and I started gaining the weight back. I have recently become incredibly discouraged and heartbroken because I am still in pain anytime I overexert myself but I also want to get back to my old habits and lose the weight again and get back to feeling healthy.

All I am looking for is any encouragement or advice. Anything would be greatly appreciated.
Wow and welcome! You must have been an extremely strong 15 year old! I think anyone at any age who does this is pretty strong, but dang, 15! Good for you!! Also, how cool to be doing an archeological dig! That sounds really awesome. While I haven’t had my surgery yet, and haven’t broken any bones, I do have chronic ankle, foot, knee, hip, and back problems. And I’m only 37. I LOVE to hike, but 3 years ago I had to stop doing the more strenuous hikes because of my ankles and feet. Also, I was at the weight I am now, 286, so I know I wasn’t doing my joints any favors. I can understand how disheartening it can be not to be able to be more active. I got really depressed when I would try to hike, or even take more even walks, and the pain was so bad that I wanted to cry. I basically decided that if I didn’t want to gain even more weight, my food choices were going to be the most important thing. I’ve stayed consistent with my weight despite the inability to be as active because I’m being careful with food. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m still obese, it still hurts to be majorly active, but I have to remember my physical limitations so I can be more active in the future. You’ll get back to it, and the more you stress about the weight the more frustrated you’ll become. Recognize what is in your control and harness that. Make a list of things you can do, things you want to do, and make a connection between the two. You’re young, and you’ll get back to all those fantastic sounding adventures.
Hi Wipnip,
I'm so sorry to hear about your dilemma but I can totally relate to what your going through. I too had the gastric sleeve 7 years ago and 2015 I suffered a back injury. Needless to say, like you I found it very difficult to exercise and I started slipping back into my old eating habits! It's so hard when your physically restricted and you find yourself arguing with your thoughts of "what's the use, I'm just going to give up:" "No, I can't give up, I came to far to give up" well you get the point I'm sure. Well my dear, it sounds to me like your still very young? If I'm correct about that, you have your whole life ahead of you and you can't possibly quit now! I'm 56 yrs old and I still climb 100 ft. plus trees and rig branches to cut down! I just recently taught myself how to ride a motorcycle! In my lifetime, I've drove a big rig coast to coast solo, I design landscaped yards and build water walls, running streams and waterfalls, SO many other things I do because I don't believe in not learning something new! Honey listen, I still suffer from the back pain, in fact, I need to have surgery soon, but I push myself and when I realized I was heading down that overeating road again, I decided since it hurts to exercise I will substitute the exercise with the things I like to do such as the yard work etc. and burn calories while doing it! I wrap myself with shrink wrap, (that's just a larger form of saran wrap) and get to sweating something fierce! When the pain becomes to much I just take a break and go back to it later. Repetitive exercise is not the only form of staying fit, even folding laundry can be a way to tone the arms and burn calories! All I'm trying to say is, don't give up, please don't because it's so easy to put the weight on but for you and I it's almost impossible to take it off again. I'm still struggling to reverse the damage I've done by almost giving up and it's very hard I know. I was 135 lbs at the beginning of last year and I'm 175 now. That's 40 lbs! OMGSH! So now I've got a closet full of clothes I can't wear until I drop some pounds and it's really my choice if I want to "hate getting dressed" or feel comfortable in my clothes again. If you would like to message back and forth, maybe we can encourage each other and follow up on one another's progress. Sometimes it helps when you have someone to run the race with. Well I hope you get better soon and I'm here for you if you want to vent. Don't give up sweetie, I'm praying for you!
Hello Everyone!

I had a gastric bypass about 8 years ago at the ripe age of 15. It went well and I lost a lot of weight. More importantly, I was healthy. Then, disaster struck.

About 1 year ago I was working on an archaeological dig when I fell and broke my ankle. Badly. I had to have surgery to put in a plate and eight screws. I spent 4 months unable to walk at all and have been slowly recovering ever since. I am still in a lot of pain at times due to tendonitis.

When I broke my ankle, my lifestyle drastically changed, I couldn't move and exercise anymore and I started gaining the weight back. I have recently become incredibly discouraged and heartbroken because I am still in pain anytime I overexert myself but I also want to get back to my old habits and lose the weight again and get back to feeling healthy.

All I am looking for is any encouragement or advice. Anything would be greatly appreciated.
Definitely don't give up, you can do this. Question....I understand your tendonitis is painful. I've also struggled with that. Are you stretching it? Icing it after movement? In time, with rest, mine went away. But resting doesn't mean you can't exercise. Get in the gym. Can you ride the stationary bike? Find the person in charge and ask them to show you different cardio machines that they have that might work for you. You can lift weights using your upper body. The only movement is getting from one machine to the next. By lifting weights, you'll build muscle and burn calories. Think about what you CAN do, not what you can't. Good luck. I'm here if you need support.
I like what JMC wrote "thinking about what you CAN do, not what you can't" is wonderful advice. I was very immobile for many years and kind of used it as an excuse not to exercise but then I discovered I could do chair exercises and that would make me feel better. I hope by now you are feeling better and healing well since it's over a month since your initial post. Let us know how you are doing.
I like what JMC wrote "thinking about what you CAN do, not what you can't" is wonderful advice. I was very immobile for many years and kind of used it as an excuse not to exercise but then I discovered I could do chair exercises and that would make me feel better. I hope by now you are feeling better and healing well since it's over a month since your initial post. Let us know how you are doing.
Hi Judy! Yes! We need to change the dialog that's going on in our head to one that's positive. We can always do something. :)
Hello Everyone!

I had a gastric bypass about 8 years ago at the ripe age of 15. It went well and I lost a lot of weight. More importantly, I was healthy. Then, disaster struck.

About 1 year ago I was working on an archaeological dig when I fell and broke my ankle. Badly. I had to have surgery to put in a plate and eight screws. I spent 4 months unable to walk at all and have been slowly recovering ever since. I am still in a lot of pain at times due to tendonitis.

When I broke my ankle, my lifestyle drastically changed, I couldn't move and exercise anymore and I started gaining the weight back. I have recently become incredibly discouraged and heartbroken because I am still in pain anytime I overexert myself but I also want to get back to my old habits and lose the weight again and get back to feeling healthy.

All I am looking for is any encouragement or advice. Anything would be greatly appreciated.
Try a different type of exercise. Ride a bike, yoga, floor exercise. The balance ball is super for posture and waist tightening. Check into a few options. Most cable TV has free guided workshops, Fitbit has some good ones too.
Think positive girl. You are far stronger than you feel right now.
Try Headspace, too.
Any tools you can find to put you back in the right mindset again.
Hi Wipnip! You have gone through a lot of dramatic changes with your accident. Freedom of movement, pain, change in clothing size, and possible change in work. Be kind to yourself. Start with one change per week. You did it before and you can do it again!

  1. Perhaps look up chair exercising one the internet. A way to get in movement with out put stress on your injury.
  2. Download an app to track everything that goes into your mouth, accountability.
  3. 64 oz water.

One item at a time create your new normal and get back to being you. It isn’t easy, that is why I suggest one change per week.
You got this!