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A milestone...with an asterisk*


Hey all - so I'm at the 4 week mark since my gastric bypass and generally my recovery has gone very smoothly (I'm blessed)...including the 5 day pre-op cleanse, I'm now down 30 lbs and have managed to be very compliant (my starting weight was 282)...incisions are healing well, haven't had any issues with vomiting and have been doing at least a little walking everyday... was completely thrilled to see the scale this morning...however that moment has been a little muted since attempting breakfast...I've had more shakes/drinks w very small amounts of food thus far...mostly the food eating part has gone well... but on Thurs I tried a 1/4 of a soft sweet potato and after only a few bites ended up with the 'cease and desist' notice from my pouch - in the form of cramping pain... this morning I attempted 1 scrambled egg w/a little cheese...after about 4-5 bites the same pain occurred... I'm obviously not mastering the balancing of bite size, speed and chewing and it is a bit frustrating...I'm using a small fork and focusing on chewing well before swallowing...so tell me veterans - how did it go for you? When did you find you were able to consume small but reasonable food
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When did you find you were able to consume small but reasonable food
First, awesome news! Congrats on your losses (gains lol) and recovery.

9 months post op, I still struggle with bite / swallow size, and eating too fast. I can blame the reasons on a hundred legit things other than my lifelong eating disorder habits (right?), but I still require conscious effort or I seamlessly lapse into fork full monster bites and thirsty gulps and either immediately spit/cough/gag it back up or hunker down for some real gut pain for a minute or two. It's the same rock-gut discomfort of eating without drinking until you are full, but magnified 10x and instant regret.

On the drinking swallow size, I recently purchased a pack of "sport" squeeze bottles, mostly to keep hydrated on long bike rides. I quickly appreciated the "small" stream size, and the squeeze requirement - it's completely un-natural and therefore seems to help me keep my liquid swallows portioned.

However...I can eat a reasonable amount of food now. For breakfast today I had 2 scrambled eggs with a handful of cherry tomatoes. Lunch was an entire 280 calorie lean quisine broccoli & beef bowl, and tonight I'm going to eat an entire boneless/skinless chicken thigh and probably 1/4 cup of brown rice. The portions are all small compared to pre-surgery, but I don't feel like a freak anymore.
Your weight loss is fantastic. You have obviously been doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing.

I didn't have any problems with my eating plan postoperatively. I did exactly what was on my nutritionist list to do and I rested a lot until I was ready to be really active. I never felt overly full and I never vomited after the first couple of days, when I was puking up bile that had backed up from the gallbladder when it was removed.

I was constipated for the first time in my life, but let's not go there. I wrote about it to this group so if you're interested in the story, you can search for it. Otherwise, it's better left unsaid, except for my caution, which is, add a fiber laxative to your daily routine. Take a tablespoon of Metamucil in a few ounces of water so you can get it down faster.

Protein shakes and other protein drinks had not really evolved into something edible 13 years ago when I had my surgery. The only food I drank were smoothies that I made for myself, adding a scoop or two of protein powder.

The difficulty you're having with chewing and swallowing and feeling full is very temporary. Just live through it and let your body adjust. This is a time when you are not in control. Your body is going to take the lead now.
It sounds like you're doing everything right, right down to the baby fork.
Thank you for your responses...I do feel lucky that I've ben able to come out of the gate compliant and to experience significant weigh loss right away...successes build upon each other and I know my own internal timetable of when consuming food becomes a (new version of) normal... I've also moved fast...thinking, decisions, eating, drinking - the need for speed ;)... which runs contrary to what I'm trying to accomplish now...the advice about me not being in control right now - my body is - is good for me to remember... I like to be in control so it's just another dimension of letting go of my old ways I have to stop fighting... hearing from those 9 months ahead and 13 years (!!!) ahead gives me increased confidence and optimism that (as my mom says) 'this to shall pass'.... so I'll stay the course and keep refocusing on the keys to success as I head into month of 2 of a lifetime journey