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Any thoughts? - ‘Vomitting’ and nausea


Hi y’all,
Quick background- had a gastric bypass on 2/22/2021. While I had some issues here and there, things were okay. I tolerated food fine (I’m lactose intolerant FYI so protein shakes were a bit tricky). I was still in soft foods when the following started.
this last Friday evening I started feeling insanely nauseous. While I didn’t get sick, the idea of food made me worse so I didn’t eat a lot Saturday or Sunday even.
Sunday night took a turn and I started vomitting. I should say dry heaving as nothing really comes up. Everything has continued since Sunday. Eating makes me more nauseous but it stays down; I can’t eat as much as before. I vomit daily multiple times even, but never does fluid or food come up thankfully.
Any thoughts or anyone experience anything similar?
My doctor is contacted and I’m going for so many tests but I’m curious. My surgeon wonders if it’s a stricture(?)- where the opening to my intestines is narrow. But wouldn’t food come up from that? I’m just curious of others experiences to see if maybe I’m missing something :-(

thank you everyone! If anyone has any nausea remedies I’d love to hear em too.
Strictures are like spider webs woven across the openings of digestive ducts and channels. Your doctor will find and fix those with ease. Bloodwork would help you know if enough nutrients are getting through.

Your nausea might be a temporary product of surgery. After i had mine, simultaneously removing my gallbladder, i puked green liquid for days. That bile contributed to my nausea. I just slept as much as possible until food seemed appetizing.

Post-op was hard for me. I just sipped water as much as possible, and drank broth--not boullion--when I got a hunger signal. I remember leaning over the kitchen counter, weak, drinking broth with a baby spoon.

Over time, I added creamy soup and thinned cream of wheat cooked in the milk. Then i made smoothies of MM with protein powder and malted milk powder. It took a while to add in yogurt and kefir. The important thing was to cook with MM instead of water. Then came... PUDDING. Ahhhhh....

I was mostly liquid for 3 weeks. That, and the nausea, led to a 35-pound weight loss in the first month.

When I moved on to soft foods, I was strong enough to get active. I started going to the YMCA for the treadmill, sauna and hot tub. I started planning a mountain hike. People said positive things to me and I had to buy smaller clothes.

And it all started with that post-op diet. "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels."


So far my first month I was around 30lbs lost. I was doing well until this last weekend :-(. Everything I ate for the most part I could tolerate, besides diary. MM made me sick and many protein shakes and powders were hard for me. I did find two that were okay but moving to normal food I was able to hit my protein markers. As of right now I can still eat normal food but instead of - say a 1/2 cup of chicken I can only eat three bites. Stays down, though I feel nauseous thinking of food.
I think the weirdest part of this is most of the research I’ve done on strictures makes me feel like I should be throwing up or not tolerating food at all but I can.
yesterday for example I got sick before I ate (nothing in my system as I did my 30 min liquid break). A few hours later I got sick again right before going to eat. So I never get sick right after food.
I appreciate the replies by the way :) nice to talk to others. This surgery has been rough and I’m trying to not regret it. I haven’t had energy since before surgery since I had complications early too.
Sorry you are not feeling well. I hope the doctors figure out what it is quickly. Nausea and dry heaving are not comfortable. I think strictures come in different sizes and also progress. So you might have just developed a slight tightening of your stomach or intestinal opening that may (or may not) get tighter or worsen over time.
Just wanted to give an update. Still having the same issues but found out I have an ulcer, so I start treatment today.....
Anyone deal with an ulcer early on? How long does recovery last or am I on meds forever for it?
I had ulcers on the early 1970s, as did my dad and oldest sister. I bought a gallon of pure aloe vera gel and poured several shots a day. I also used one of the maalox-type meds. No bleeding, thank goodness. At some point my ulcers just healed. I don't know when or why.

They never returned, but dad and sis continued to suffer on Rx meds.

I truly believe it was the aloe vera. But the stuff sold today is suspect. Do your research. Make sure its 100% pure, no additives.