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The diet industry has a way of making a certain food group bad, only to find that science will later prove many of these theories wrong. Carbs are not the enemy. Carbs are in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and many healthy foods. Remeber when fat was the enemy? Low fat diets made us fatter in the end. What is unhealthy? Cakes, cookies, fatty chips, deep fried foods, meats with fats and chemicals, fake cheeses, PROTIEN FOODS AND DRINKS are not real food!
I don't understand why this no carb lifestyle is still being pushed. I can't believe the amount of protien bars, breads, shakes, even chips and candies are sold and people are paying 3 times the price for this stuff that tastes like total crap because they have bought into this unreasonable belief that they can't have carbs. Just eat real food, with a healthy balance, and keep the treats to a minimum. Also, mashed potatoes are now a staple for me since the settle well, and go good with a lot of foods :)
I have some of the same reservations that you’ve expressed about protein shakes. What did you eat during the liquid phases of your diet pre and post-op?
I 100% agree with Mimi. I avoid what I call garbage food. Chemicals are not good for you. I try very hard to make the majority of my meals at home. And I make that easier by making a menu, grocery list (that I do NOT deviate from) and meal prepping. Not everything has to be organic or ex but try to eat the most minimally processed foods you can find.

That being said, in the early days, you pretty much have to have protein shakes to survive. You can't possibly eat enough to get your protein.

I will say Fair life milk and shakes are processed in such a way that it is higher in protein without adding whey powder, which is what most protein shakes do.

Diane has also shared a recipe for magic milk that's basically powdered milk added to regular milk to boost up protein.
Well that's the only milk I buy now. I've tolerated it will as I used to be mostly lactose intolerant prior to my surgery. I also like the fair life protein because they do not have an aftertaste and are very easy to drink. I just wish I could find them because these Sam's club near my home never has them. The premier protein is okay but it has a horrible aftertaste in my opinion
I have some of the same reservations that you’ve expressed about protein shakes. What did you eat during the liquid phases of your diet pre and post-op?
You can blend up your own shakes with Fairlife milk, or whatever you prefer. I had a very hard time with commercial protein shakes but I had already stocked up, and didn't know any better. I also did pretty good with broth soups.
PB fit has quite a bit of protein. So you could make peanut butter flavored milk that would possibly have as much protein as a pre mixed shake.

Also, I think while on the liquid diet, everyone just sucks up protein shakes. The idea is to get your protein from food once you are able to eat solid foods. Many people are still using protein shakes even 6+ months out. At that point, you should be eating your protein.
My dietitians have told me not to have any carbs for the first year after surgery I am seeing in many posts and vlogs that people are consuming mash potatoes and cream of wheat in the soft food stage. My personal opinion is moderation is best and that no carbs for a year seems extreme. If you are less than a year out and have incorporated some carbs into your diet can you please share your experience.
Yes that is very extreme. Just limit your carbs.