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Chest Pressure

Debbie S

Hello everyone.

I have a strange question, but whenever you drank (or ate) anything did it feel like it just sat in your esophagus like it can't go down all the way? I take baby sips and sometimes that is even to much.

Well today, I tried eating some sugar free pudding (very little on spoon) and it felt like it got stuck. I tried drinking water (sip) that went down but the pressure in my chest was there. So I then tried to clear my voice (cough) and to my surprise I got a ton of mucous/saliva. I kept doing that and kept getting a lot of it out.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Concerned because I need to get some sort of nutrients in me.

From the beginning with soft foods and even now food gets stuck especially if I eat too fast or too much in a bite. It hurts really bad. Certain foods like bread really caused me problems later in my journey for about a year I couldn't get it down at all and would gag, throw up with tons of mucous, it was horrible. I read somewhere that it has to do with the new opening being very small from the esophagus to the stomach. Eventually it will stretch somewhat.

Wow this is just crazy! I eat anything with any amount of thickness and I'm doomed. UGH I guess i have to give it time.

Thank you Cheyenne for responding. I was worried something was wrong.