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Chuckie's post

My name is Chuckie B and I'm new to this world and I am having trouble finding my way. I'm not eating well... anything really. Almost everything makes my stomach upset or hurt. I found that Wendy's frosty's settle my stomach ( please no lectures) Dr already gave me a good one!
Anyway I'm having trouble reprogramming my brain to the right food I'm 56yrs old, so it's the teach an old dog trick thing.So I'm reaching out for help from some experienced Bariatric people? Can you help this old dog? Please

Chuckie, could you be more specific? How new are you? Do you have a nutritionist? Did your program include lists of foods you should eat?

I'm not going to lecture you about the Frosties, but your body will. Your post-op body doesn't like sugar and fat. You may be having diarrhea or other digestive malunctions.

You need to have a long talk with yourself because what goes up must come down in a big wet pile of [fill in the blank] on your head.

You also need to hie thee to a therapist, chum. Sabotaging this incredibly difficult process indicates someone else is driving your bus.

At very least, get conscious with your food. Sort out what is good for you and eat it. If you TCB first, go ahead and take ONE BITE of the no-no food. If taking that bite creates an insane craving, stop eating it.

You are are in charge. think about how much you had to go through to get to today. Don't screw it up.
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Chucky, HI! Chocolate protein powder, high protein milk and ice in a blender. The more ice, the thicker it is. OR add vanilla yogurt or chocolate pudding to thicken it up until you get that "frosty" consistency. I know it's easier to run and grab something pre-made but it's pretty easy to make something at home that is a healthier alternative and yet still hits that sweet spot.
How long ago did you have surgery? A frosty is basically full liquid, so are you on the full liquid diet? Puree? Let us know. We would all be very happy to make food suggestions that might be more healthful and easy to digest as your pouch heals.