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Fingers crossed


I had a bit of a scare this week. My sister, who was at my house Saturday, was diagnosed with COVID on Tuesday. Of course I totally freaked out. I decided to get tested because I knew if I came back positive I’d have to reschedule my surgery on 10/26. It came back negative this morning, and while I know that it could have been too early for a positive result, I still haven’t had any symptoms. I called my surgeons office and told the nurse what happened. She said it’s all ok, and as long as my test on the 23rd comes back negative, I’m good to go! I just hope I don’t develop any symptoms. My sister works at a school, and while no one there has had symptoms, it very well could have been an asymptotic person. She felt so horrible, but I told her not to feel bad because it’s not like she did it on purpose. There were times when my kids were really little and we’d have a family function and a couple days later we found out they had strep or the flu, it’s not like we’d bring sickness intentionally. I realize I let my guard down by doing a small birthday lunch for my mom and I, and I know (now) this is how a lot of COVID is spreading more. I’m going to stay vigilant, and self isolate before and after surgery because I do not want any type of sickness at either time. My mom is upset with me because I won’t let her come help me after surgery, but she works at a nursing home where the COVID numbers are going up, and I do not want to take any chances. Plus, I have enough support at home that I am sure I will be fine.