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Foods 6 weeks post gastric bypass

Hello everyone,
Approximately 2 weeks ago my surgeon allowed me to move into the next stage of food. For his practice, that meant I could add moist chicken, lean ground beef, salmon, shrimp and white fish. They said I should start with 1-2 oz at a time of new foods. Even after 2 weeks of trying I can only get approximately 1-1.2 oz. of the new foods. After that, I can't get any more, vomit and can't drink any more either. With the previous stage of food (all soft stuff like cottage cheese, yogurt, etc) I began to eat 2 ounces and could do that at lunch sometimes but a little at dinner. Mostly though 1 meal with protein shakes or protein infused waters are what I tolerated before dinner.

Did anyone else have this? If so, did it eventually get to where you could do 2-3 oz and more than 1 meal?
Yes. For every new stage, I would choose one meal (dinner) that I would advance. The rest of my meals/snacks stayed at the previous stages. I was also told to eat 5-6 small meals per day so I was either eating, drinking or waiting 30 minutes lol

So for example, protein shake for breakfast (liquid) 1oz cottage cheese snack (puree) yogurt for lunch (puree) protein2o water for snack (clear) slow cooked salsa chicken with refried beans for dinner (solid). And dinner would be like an ounce of chicken and a tablespoon of refried beans.

It can take quite a while too be able to eat more than an ounce or so of solid food. You're only 6 weeks out. Please do not eat until you vomit. Eat your ounce and eat another ounce next time. Eventually you will get to 2. Even now, I still have my hubs grill my burgers at 2 oz. But I still eat several times a day so I am definitely getting a healthy amount of calories.
Thank you so much! All of that was helpful.
Yes. For every new stage, I would choose one meal (dinner) that I would advance. The rest of my meals/snacks stayed at the previous stages. I was also told to eat 5-6 small meals per day so I was either eating, drinking or waiting 30 minutes lol

So for example, protein shake for breakfast (liquid) 1oz cottage cheese snack (puree) yogurt for lunch (puree) protein2o water for snack (clear) slow cooked salsa chicken with refried beans for dinner (solid). And dinner would be like an ounce of chicken and a tablespoon of refried beans.

It can take quite a while too be able to eat more than an ounce or so of solid food. You're only 6 weeks out. Please do not eat until you vomit. Eat your ounce and eat another ounce next time. Eventually you will get to 2. Even now, I still have my hubs grill my burgers at 2 oz. But I still eat several times a day so I am definitely getting a healthy amount of calories.
Once you started more solid foods, did you have any trouble getting 64 oz of liquids in?
No, but I did notice I had to wait those 30 minutes before drinking again. I didn't always (and still don't) if I had soup or something similar. Even now, after a burger, steak etc I have to wait 30-45 minutes to drink.

I was constantly sip, sip, sipping after surgery to make sure I was getting my fluid in. The habit has stayed with me, 3+ years out. I am never, EVER without a drink. Except after dinner lol

Of course, discuss with your doctor. But, I'd say as long as you're getting 48+ oz of water (for now, temporarily) its a bit more important to teach your body to eat solid food. We stress a bit too much about doing it perfectly when we know perfection is unattainable. Do your best. It will get easier.
Thank you SO much! I definitely was so frustrated when I thought I really needed to push more, but at the same time feeling like I shouldn't. I'm just glad it all sounds normal where I'm at with more "solid" foods. I absolutely have a water or something like it with me all the time, but like you not so much after dinner.
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