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Had Surgery Today


Hi Ladies (and gents)....well, the day has arrived. I had surgery today/this morning @ 7:30 AM-- VSG; was discharged to home this afternoon. I think I am doing ok. So far, my main complaint is when I drink (sip; as it is getting to my stomach, it feels like the liquid is going over a bubble right at the entry. I think it's the trapped gas. I am walking around, but still feel it mainly at that time. I know there is a lot of swelling inside. I look forward to this passing, but I won't complain too much... just yet. I'm glad it's come and gone. Now the journey continues. Thanks for being here. Many of you have already going this route. I enjoy reading your posts. Sooo much to learn! :):)
What a woman! I assumed you had a laparoscopic procedures, but what you are describing is such an amazing recovery that I am really impressed. You are some kind of trouper! Keep us posted as you start your liquid phase and proceed to soft foods.
Thank you so much @dianeseattle. Actually, it was laparoscopic; I've got 6 little "bullet wounds." My surgical consent included "open procedure" in the event of a problem, but all was well. My doc didn't need to convert the procedure to open.

I will keep everyone posted, as I really, really enjoy reading others' posts. They are so encouraging, and help me to realize, no matter what, I am not alone. Thanks again. You're really an inspiration! :)
Hi Ladies (and gents)....well, the day has arrived. I had surgery today/this morning @ 7:30 AM-- VSG; was discharged to home this afternoon. I think I am doing ok. So far, my main complaint is when I drink (sip; as it is getting to my stomach, it feels like the liquid is going over a bubble right at the entry. I think it's the trapped gas. I am walking around, but still feel it mainly at that time. I know there is a lot of swelling inside. I look forward to this passing, but I won't complain too much... just yet. I'm glad it's come and gone. Now the journey continues. Thanks for being here. Many of you have already going this route. I enjoy reading your posts. Sooo much to learn! :):)
Going home the same day! Wow! What a trooper! I was told to visualize that with the swelling and staple line, the stomach is the size of a pencil right now. Be gentle with it. Every day for the next 6 weeks the swelling will continue to go down enabling you to eat more. Take your time adjusting and follow the doctor's orders. We WILL be here for you.
Itching is caused by histamines. Try an antihistamine. Benadryl is an antihistamine but you might not want to take it internally considering what your body has been through. Apparently they sell Benadryl cream but my itchy bug bites need help now. I keep scratching them and this makes the wound even worse. So I got the brilliant idea to take some Benadryl and wash the pink coating off them. Then I crush them into powder and add them to Albolene which is a mineral oil-based cosmetic. I slip a dollop of this beneath the Band-Aid atop the wound. I have not itched since.

But don't take it orally. Don't take it for any reason. There is a lot of research that has recently been done on Benadryl that that indicates it contributes to memory loss and dementia. I used to take it as an alternate sleep medication, rotating melatonin, over the counter Unisom, Benadryl, and Ambien. Each of cause sleepiness and I am a hopeless Insomniac and sleepwalker. But I took Benadryl out of the rotation after I read about its long-term effects. We gave it to my mom for a couple years before she died. I now regret that and often wonder if it contributed to her dementia. She died at 93, with a multitude of physical problems, and as they say oh, it was a blessing. But I wonder if she might have made it to100 if we had been more circumspect about what went into her body.

I disliked my mother, which was a very reasonable response to what she did to me as a child and a teenager. But she deserved to live as long as her body was capable of functioning. I hate to think that she was not as well treated as she should have been.

I wasn't her caregiver. I live a hundred and fifty miles away from her. And I have this passel of sisters who are like a witches coven. But I did spend a week with her in order to allow my caregiver sister to go to Italy or some damn place. It was incredibly revealing. Now I'm getting off topic so I will quit. But seriously don't take Benadryl orally. Do your research if you don't believe me. Topically it will stop itching and I have never used anything that work that well.
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You did get. I hope u heal quickly. And it is so good to hear from u. Sorry I am kinda late I have been busy with kids. Hey but that is the good thing u will have more energy soon. Keep it up chica
Hi everyone....that's for checking in and the updates. Yes, I went home a few hours after my surgery. My doc is the "guru" around here, and he is very good. Today is day 4 (including surgery day). I am feeling fine. Still adjusting to just liquids. I have NEVER had only liquids for days...except as a baby. LOL. I'm coming along though. Not much itching at my surgical sites. My doc told me to take the outer gauze off on day 1; leave the steri-strips on. They will fall off on their own in 1-2 weeks. I'm gently cleaning the area twice daily tho.

@dianeseattle, I almost settled into your post like I was reading a book. I'm sorry you didn't like your mother. If it's any consolation, I don't think the benadryl contributed to her dementia. 93 is a very long time. My mom passed last year at 95. She starting having bouts of dementia about a year before; primarily with the dates, and current events. She was not on benadryl, however. It was just the aging process. I chuckled at your line about relieving your sister "to go to Italy or some damn place." That was a light-hearted statement to me; please don't be offended. It made my day.

Well, ladies....I'm about to read some of the other posts that I've missed as I haven't been online in a couple days. Continue to heal, and thanks for being here! ;):)
Thanks, Q. I always hope people will hear my voice in my writing & that one statement was definitely one we'd be laughing over if you were sitting here talking to me.

As to the Benadryl, of course, the damage was done long before my mom ever ingested a single pill. I just got an email informing me that my mom's last surviving sister died yesterday. She must have been in her 90s, too, & I know from her husband & a phone conversation with her that her Alzheimer's was very bad, instantly. But it took her many years to die after the diagnosis. My mom had dementia, but no doctor ever wrote Alzheimer's down there.

When I knew it was bad with my mom, I had a phone call from her in 2012. She chatted as usual, with the usual exaggerations about how long it had been since I'd been "home." Then she started complaining that she didn't have my phone number. Well, she had phoned me that day. She demanded I give it to her while she got her address book opened up to my page. Then she went on a scree about how many numbers had been scratched out or written over, what a mess it was, how she couldn't even read it. She said, "This is YOUR handwriting. YOU did this! You messed everything up!" Since I was 150 miles away from her, I obviously wasn't writing in her book. Plus, I have calligraphic handwriting, which I learned in high school after having illegible penmanship all my life.

Anyway, as far as Benadryl goes, I was using it as a sleep aid so I wouldn't rely on Ambien or Unisom or melatonin or wine or scotch! Yes, those are all my go-to insomnia beaters. I have a great deal of parasomnia, including walking in my sleep, but the insomnia is the worst. I noticed on days after taking Benadryl the night before that I was groggy & forgetful. It was really profound. Then I read, years later, that Benadryl had now been linked to dementia. I haven't taken it since. it's not the Benadryl per se. It's the active ingredient, diphenhydramine. And the really messed up part is that if you read the labels on every over-the-counter sleep aid, except Unisom, they all contain a big hit of diphenhydramine. Unisom also uses an antihistamine, doxylamine, but it works amazingly & so far, there's been no negative test results.

I also recently stopped taking two or three of my prescription meds, with my doctor's blessing, after a 10-year study showed a link between them & dementia in 50 PERCENT! of all subjects in the study. I don't care if I die young, but I do not want to die in a rest home or rehab center, in a vegetative state. I have Alzheimer's on both sides of my family. I can't take unnecessary risks.

I had the coolest uncle in the world, Hank. He was a CRC minister, but enjoyed batting theology about with me. We both loved C.S. Lewis & Lewis loved Carl Jung, which made me very happy. Hank & I both loved fountain pens and actually wrote letters to each other. I have dozens of emails from him too, a sign of our mutual affection. Once a month my paternal relatives--7 aunts, 2 uncles, totaling 10 when you add my dad--got together at a Denny's restaurant for breakfast. In 2015, Hank started acting weird. Then I learned he had attacked his beloved wife because he thought she was an animal who was going to kill him. And the fire department had been called to their home several times because he started fires in the basement by overloading the woodstove.

Then, very suddenly, he was absent. They tried to keep him home but he kept running away. They put him in a rehab facility & he went downhill fast. I barely got to visit him there before he died. On the day I was there, they had to change his diaper mid-visit (behind the closed door of his room). I remember his face after, but I also took pictures that day & his shame & defeat was written all over his face. Alzheimer's took everything from him.

The family has fallen apart on my dad's side now, since Hank disappeared. He was our elder statesman, our in loco parentis, It's a loss so great, we'll never get over it.

So, don't take Benadryl or diphenhydramine. And make sure your prescription drugs aren't bad for your brain. Amen.
Thanks, Q. I always hope people will hear my voice in my writing & that one statement was definitely one we'd be laughing over if you were sitting here talking to me.

As to the Benadryl, of course, the damage was done long before my mom ever ingested a single pill. I just got an email informing me that my mom's last surviving sister died yesterday. She must have been in her 90s, too, & I know from her husband & a phone conversation with her that her Alzheimer's was very bad, instantly. But it took her many years to die after the diagnosis. My mom had dementia, but no doctor ever wrote Alzheimer's down there.

When I knew it was bad with my mom, I had a phone call from her in 2012. She chatted as usual, with the usual exaggerations about how long it had been since I'd been "home." Then she started complaining that she didn't have my phone number. Well, she had phoned me that day. She demanded I give it to her while she got her address book opened up to my page. Then she went on a scree about how many numbers had been scratched out or written over, what a mess it was, how she couldn't even read it. She said, "This is YOUR handwriting. YOU did this! You messed everything up!" Since I was 150 miles away from her, I obviously wasn't writing in her book. Plus, I have calligraphic handwriting, which I learned in high school after having illegible penmanship all my life.

Anyway, as far as Benadryl goes, I was using it as a sleep aid so I wouldn't rely on Ambien or Unisom or melatonin or wine or scotch! Yes, those are all my go-to insomnia beaters. I have a great deal of parasomnia, including walking in my sleep, but the insomnia is the worst. I noticed on days after taking Benadryl the night before that I was groggy & forgetful. It was really profound. Then I read, years later, that Benadryl had now been linked to dementia. I haven't taken it since. it's not the Benadryl per se. It's the active ingredient, diphenhydramine. And the really messed up part is that if you read the labels on every over-the-counter sleep aid, except Unisom, they all contain a big hit of diphenhydramine. Unisom also uses an antihistamine, doxylamine, but it works amazingly & so far, there's been no negative test results.

I also recently stopped taking two or three of my prescription meds, with my doctor's blessing, after a 10-year study showed a link between them & dementia in 50 PERCENT! of all subjects in the study. I don't care if I die young, but I do not want to die in a rest home or rehab center, in a vegetative state. I have Alzheimer's on both sides of my family. I can't take unnecessary risks.

I had the coolest uncle in the world, Hank. He was a CRC minister, but enjoyed batting theology about with me. We both loved C.S. Lewis & Lewis loved Carl Jung, which made me very happy. Hank & I both loved fountain pens and actually wrote letters to each other. I have dozens of emails from him too, a sign of our mutual affection. Once a month my paternal relatives--7 aunts, 2 uncles, totaling 10 when you add my dad--got together at a Denny's restaurant for breakfast. In 2015, Hank started acting weird. Then I learned he had attacked his beloved wife because he thought she was an animal who was going to kill him. And the fire department had been called to their home several times because he started fires in the basement by overloading the woodstove.

Then, very suddenly, he was absent. They tried to keep him home but he kept running away. They put him in a rehab facility & he went downhill fast. I barely got to visit him there before he died. On the day I was there, they had to change his diaper mid-visit (behind the closed door of his room). I remember his face after, but I also took pictures that day & his shame & defeat was written all over his face. Alzheimer's took everything from him.

The family has fallen apart on my dad's side now, since Hank disappeared. He was our elder statesman, our in loco parentis, It's a loss so great, we'll never get over it.

So, don't take Benadryl or diphenhydramine. And make sure your prescription drugs aren't bad for your brain. Amen.
Diane, that is so heartbreaking. So sorry for your loss. That is a tough thing to watch.

The Benadryl thing scares me too. My youngest son has horrible allergies(allergic to every tree and grass). He took allergy shots for years and is much better but he still has those few days in the spring when none of the allergy meds work except Benadryl. I guess I should be grateful it is only a couple of days a year and daily or weekly.
The Benadryl thing scares me too. My youngest son has horrible allergies(allergic to every tree and grass). He took allergy shots for years and is much better but he still has those few days in the spring when none of the allergy meds work except Benadryl. I guess I should be grateful it is only a couple of days a year and daily or weekly.

Since childhood, I've dealt with allergies. I've had all the tests and I'm allergic to almost everything that they've tested me for. Benadryl and a rescue inhaler were my best friends until I was about 14. That was when I was prescribed Zyrtec, been taking it for 30 years. But for the last 5 years, despite the Zyrtec, I've been afflicted with an occasional, somewhat major allergic reaction to something that we just can't pinpoint. My eyes swell up, almost closed and I get hives all over my face. Fun fact, it lasts 3 days to a week.

I've seen multiple docs (primary doc, 2 allergists, 2 dermatologist, 3 urgent care visits) and we're still no closer. Sometimes I'll go a few months without an issue but I've had periods where it happens a couple times a month. Doctors have given me Prednisone, had me triple my Zyrtec, tried all other allergy meds on the market (alone and in conjunction with others) and nothing prevents it. I even had a biopsy done on my eyelids and skin on my face (very pretty ordeal).

Unfortunately, when a flare up hits, the only thing that provides some mild relief is Benadryl. So at this point, I don't have a choice but to take it when it happens. This conversation scares me.
I am talking addicted for people that take it every night to sleep become dependent and if the don’t take it they can’t sleep. Benadryl on occasion or for an episode isn’t addictive or cause dependency. It is the best thing for allergies and allergic reactions. My son was having an allergic reaction and I gave him 2 Benadryl and put him in the car to the ER (only 5 miles away) and by the time they called him back it was over and he was fine. We are going to have him allergy tested again. I didn’t mean to scare you. I do have a question and a theory (again no proof to back it up) nickel allergies. Do you have problems with cheap earrings making your ears have a reaction? Do you have a nickel allergy? Do you have the flarups with earrings?
I didn’t mean to scare you. I do have a question and a theory (again no proof to back it up) nickel allergies. Do you have problems with cheap earrings making your ears have a reaction? Do you have a nickel allergy? Do you have the flarups with earrings?

Thanks, I was actually more concerned with Diane's post that Benadryl contributes to memory loss/dementia:

But don't take it orally. Don't take it for any reason. There is a lot of research that has recently been done on Benadryl that that indicates it contributes to memory loss and dementia.

I'll definitely add earrings as a thing to note when these reactions occur. I track food, products/cosmetics and environment already. Are you a nurse (I ask because of RN in your handle)? :)
RN, I'm sure i could be addicted to something because I am a food addict, though it's a moot point since surgery. I haven't sabotaged myself and have managed to stay within 20 pounds of my goal, returning to my roots to lose the weight when it gets noticeable. but I have taken drugs others find addictive & if I take them for a while and want to stop, I stop. No problem. Now, that can't just be me. Benadryl was my go-to for a long time. I never felt addicted & quit taking it in a nanosecond when I didn't want it anymore.

So sorry Brenda. But you use it as a rescue drug, which is what it should be used for, right? I exaggerated when I said I'd never take it again. I surely would if I had an allergic reaction. If you used it for sleep, chronically, you'd be in trouble. I'm sure you will be fine if you're judicious, and I am SO SO SAD to hear of your horrible times with allergies, especially the awful testing.

I am allergic to lead & some other metals. I'm so sensitive, I can't even drink city water. I can only drink spring water or glacier-fed streams water. I buy bottled water all the time & I can tell the difference by taste. But also, if it's from someone's backyard garden hose, I can REALLY tell. I get sick all over, in my muscles and thinking process. It's a sure indicator, so I'm very glad there is water available that I can drink from a big container, because I drink about 2 liters a day.

I hope this hug appears for you {{{Brenda}}}
Thanks, I was actually more concerned with Diane's post that Benadryl contributes to memory loss/dementia:

I'll definitely add earrings as a thing to note when these reactions occur. I track food, products/cosmetics and environment already. Are you a nurse (I ask because of RN in your handle)? :)
I am a nurse Brenda. Bariatrics is not my specialty though. I do want to caution everyone to make sure you get your information from reputable sites. (Not saying you didn't Diane). Get your research from places that end in org. schools, hospital research and Centers for Disease control, National institute of health: NIH, Media likes to start rumors and scare people about things. Pharmaceutical companies like to discredit other medications so you will use their pill instead. I believe "Knowledge is power" (anyone remember school house rock?) So do your research just make sure they are research based information from reputable sites.