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Hi to all fellow weight loss seekers!


My name is Cassie and I hope to get some help and support from these forums. I am in a very bad place right now and totally freaking out. I am 7 months post-op and have lost a miraculous 96 lbs. The road has not been an easy one but the weight loss has kept me strong and also with great support from God and my fantastic husband, I have made it this far. Eating or not eating as the case may be, has not been that difficult. I have always gotten my "signal" from my stomach telling me my 4 ounces is enough. I don't eat a large variety of foods, cause just smelling certain things makes me sick to my stomach. About 10 days ago, I noticed a big change. I have seen some old habits that I had stopped creeping back into my life. I am hungry now MUCH more often that I have been in the 7 months. I want to snack all the time, which I usually do. Don't get me wrong, I haven't done anything like fast foods, or heaping bowls of pasta but for example, I now eat 2-3 rice cakes instead of just 1. Then maybe an apple. Late night, I always have a protein bar, but sometimes I have eaten 2 and even added some pretzels. I know this happens to tons of surgery patients, the ones who put their weight back on. But I never dreamed I would start to feel this way so soon. I go to be so depressed cause I know how fast the 1 pound I have gained can turn into 5 then who knows how many after that. This was always my biggest fear about how life and eating would be after the surgery. I tell myself every morning that today will be different, and for 10 days I am still in trouble. My brother made a suggestion that deep down, I am satisfied with what I have lost and that I must be ready to "quit". NOT true at all. I never intended for 96 lbs. to be nearly enough. At 191, I still have back issues and can't do things people do at 30-40 lbs lighter. I should mention that another miracle that has happened to me is that with all this weight loss, I have done VERY little exercise. At best, I walk in the mall 1-2 times a week. Those are my GOOD weeks. Is there anyone out there who has a similar story? I need help desperately, and even if I don't get any answers, it would be good to know that I am not alone. Putting the weight back on would kill me. But I am so weak and always have been in my almost 40 years of dieting. I know I am a true food addict and what I've read is so spot on......sugar/carbs are every bit as addictive as any hard core drug. I thank anyone who takes the time to read my "novel" and for any input you can provide. I don't know where else to turn. Sincerely and always hoping, Cassie
I am at the beginning of my personal weight loss journey waiting to be approved and all that, I just want to say as a medical professional, that you are normal. We all know this surgery isn't a quick fix. This is a mental and physical battle. Would you consider talking to a therapist again, if that was a requirement for your surgery approval? Go out to support group meetings, and don't beat yourself up. You can do this!
Thank You

I wanted to write to sincerely thank you for responding to my post. You're so right, this is so much of a mental thing. But I'm struggling to understand the physical cravings. I do have a trusted and supportive psychiatrist that I saw long prior to surgery for my bi-polar/anxiety disorders. I hope to see her next week. I just don't know what anyone can say at this point. It's all up to me to have the will to go back to the way things were. I hope your journey is a successful one and that you will stay in touch if you would like. Weigh in is on Saturday.....if you're a spiritual man of any kind, send up a little prayer.
Good luck

HI, I am indeed and praying woman, so Let me just say you will succeed with his help! Good luck Saturday and keep us all posted!

Best regards,
Sue, I am so grateful to know someone on here who relies on more than ourselves to succeed. I would not be here without Him. I will keep in touch, and I hope you do too. I know you're still going through the long pre-op requirements and I hope it goes fast and that you are approved. It was a trying time! Take care, Cassie

I haven't been getting to the forum lately. Anyway, keep following the program. The weight will come off. It finds it way down.

You will develop new habits. Yes, the old can creep in. But now you have a new set of tools to "combat" those bad habits trying to work their way back in.

It is a life's journey. The surgery was a point in time. A point in time when you changed the rules.

Now go for it. Look forward.

Thank you

Hello Ralph, thank you for the reply and what you said. The struggle is so very real and I'm trying to take it one day at a time. I did some investigating and found that a medication I am taking can cause weight gain (which I concluded meant increased hunger)..I stopped that right away! I so want to get back to my right mind set, the way I felt before these "demons" starting creeping back into my thoughts. I was so happy and cruising right along. Yes, this is a journey, one that MUST continue on. Thank you for your concern and I hope your numbers are headed in the right direction. Keep in touch.....Cassie
PS....my hubby is a native of Long Island and lived in several cities. He's from Bayville (Oyster Bay) but has lived in Smithtown, Hicksville, Huntington and a few more I can't remember! He has taken me to visit and I like it very much. He moved here to Florida to be with me in 2002 but I know deep down he would rather be there, or even more so, New Hampshire where he also lived many years. Florida isn't really his cup of tea!!
Good luck

HI, I am indeed and praying woman, so Let me just say you will succeed with his help! Good luck Saturday and keep us all posted!

Best regards,
Hello Sue....we wrote back in January and I just wanted to know if you got the approval for the surgery and if you've had it yet. I hope so. Take care.
I have enjoyed reading this thread. I am about 3 weeks from sleeve surgery and am proceeding with caution. I know this surgery is only a tool. I can relate to having hard time keeping 'head in the game' so to speak. Hope all is well for everyone who has posted here, would love to chat with you.