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Is this even possible for me?

I'm trying so hard to give up the carbs and the sugar and eat 5 meals a day and drink the dang protein drinks but I'm finding it harder and harder to give up the things I love. Coffee is one of the harder ones. What should I do when I am craving something I know I shouldn't have. PLEASE HELP!!
Are you pre- op ? I would stick to whatever they told you too. I know it’s hard I went through the same thing in November. I was also given a choice to have one lean cuisine a day for dinner which helped a lot . You can search other posts for better answers than mine. good luck !
I'm trying so hard to give up the carbs and the sugar and eat 5 meals a day and drink the dang protein drinks but I'm finding it harder and harder to give up the things I love. Coffee is one of the harder ones. What should I do when I am craving something I know I shouldn't have. PLEASE HELP!!
YES, it is possible for you!!! We've all been there Shelby, it's hard but if we did it, you can too. I saw another member advised you to cut things back in stages, kind of baby-steps. This is a great approach for a lot of people. When is your surgery?

I never drank coffee but there are a bunch of posts on the site from members who had a hard time giving up coffee, do a search, maybe you'll find something useful for you. :) Good luck!
Dang wish I could have said that Brenda you and Diane have a way with words that I don’t. But your right Shelby you can do it and yeah cut back on those cravings a little at a time . I’m not saying you cheat I think most of us did but we got back on track especially right before your surgery. You need to shrink your liver beforehand so drink a lot of water will help. I don’t drink coffee either so I don’t know what to tell you but if they said no coffee I would listen to them
I make myself monthly goals so it’s easier to stop or start things. February was going to half caf and only 8 oz of coffee. I ended up going totally caffeine free and have not noticed a difference. March is when I start limiting liquids with meals and get better about food tracking. My goal is to track breakfast, lunch, and snacks 5 days of the week. I have a lot of trouble tracking dinner, so I just watch my portions. You can do this! Start small, make goals, tell those goals to friends, family, or us and so there is external accountability. My kids know my goals, so they’re always asking lol
Yes, it is totally possible!! The pre-surgery part is hard; you will have less desire for the items for a while post-surgery (honeymoon period), which helps. Break the goal down into smaller chunks... if you can't get thru to your next appt, focus on the week, if the week is too overwhelming, focus on the day, and if necessary take that down to and hour by hour. You can do anything for an hour! We all achieve long term goals one step at a time... and you will surprise yourself when you realize you have gone a month or a year just by doing a single step at at time.
I feel your pain! I’m on just basic diet right now for the program. I love Diet Pepsi!!! But when I started the diet I lowered my amount and as each day goes on I’m going lower and hope to get to none. I drink 93 ounces of water a day some plain some crystal light. If you like sweet try sugar free popsicles they help me!
I think too often people think they will have to give up everything they love in exchange for this surgery and a weight loss. This is not true. You maybe one of those people who is able to drink carbonated beverages and to drink wine with dinner. I eat anything I want, and right now I have sinusitis which is affecting my health, but when I do feel just fine I will usually make a huge dinner. You can see a lot of the photographs of the food I cook in my profile pictures. But I do not eat all that food. I could not fit all that food in my body. Most of that food ends up being frozen or being doled out for five or six meals after being refrigerated. My pouch is still small although it is way bigger than the one that I had post-op. Instead of only being able to hold a couple of ounces, I probably can accommodate 8 oz of food and liquid simultaneously.

Because of this, I feel like I have been restored to normal. I had no weight problems whatsoever until after I gave birth at the age of 28. I am a Weight Watchers retread, and Overeaters Anonymous failure, and a fad diet myth.

I do not recommend my eating Behavior to anyone, but if you are like me, your body will let you know in its time. I can tell you for a fact my body told me a lot of things while I was losing the weight. There are a lot of foods I need to avoid, and eating small amounts extremely slowly doesn't even help. But when you look around at people today at Keto and vegan and gluten free and whatever all the rest of those diets are called, my idiomatic manner of eating is no stranger than any of those.

However, don't base any opinions on my Behavior. Only listen to your medical team. They're going to tell you you can never drink carbonated beverages again. Just agree with them and down the road, when you are fully healed, when you have dealt with your eating disorder, when you have taken a sip and it didn't make you sick, then you can make an informed decision based on your own body.

I am not trying to I am not trying to set an example for anybody. But I am trying to allow you to have some hope for normalcy in the future
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