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It’s okay to slip up but don’t forget to GET back up

Lesa Marie

I tend to let some weekends slide on my healthy eating because I want to enjoy a little bit of what everyone else is. We went to the movies last night and I ate just regular candy from what my husband and kids bought (maybe 6 pieces), some popcorn and a couple of nachos. I also enjoyed a diet frosted lemonade over a two day span this past holiday weekend (we are in Utah) which is something I had been craving for weeks. As bad as all of that sounds, I ate healthy the rest of those days and also exercised. I didn’t let it become an entire day of eating junk. Sometimes we just want to feel “normal” and I had to tell myself that it’s okay to do that just as long as you do it in moderation and don’t let it become an actually problem. Just thought I would share with anyone who struggles with this because I used to get really emotional about having treats and would feel so guilty just for craving certain things. For me those cravings don’t go away unless I have a little bit of it but if you don’t trust yourself then I would recommend finding an alternative. Have a wonderful day everyone!
Frosted lemonade sounds delicious! I am still craving lemon things like crazy, so I’ve been drinking 3/4 decaf cold tea and 1/4 regular lemonade. The sugar in the lemonade mix hasn’t bothered me, and it’s helping quench my thirst and craving!
Yes! That sounds wonderful. I’m actually trying to cut back on sugar substitutes because I learned that they actually make you crave real sugars because the body doesn’t view them the same. Everything in moderation :)
Yes! That sounds wonderful. I’m actually trying to cut back on sugar substitutes because I learned that they actually make you crave real sugars because the body doesn’t view them the same. Everything in moderation :)
They aren't great for your good gut bacteria either, and the hunger stimulation can be significant in some people.

I like what you wrote. We all need to allow ourselves a bit of mercy, grace, and forgiveness in this process. Nothing should be off-limits at all times (unless it doesn't agree with you), as I think that sets people up for failure. It's a balancing act, and I think allowing yourself to enjoy certain "unhealthy" foods once in a while is a good thing and doesn't turn it into something that drives us to overeat. Although, we all need to be self aware of those things that may trigger additional eating. There are certain things I stay away from because my habits of the past were very strong around those things and always associated with overeating. I think that's getting better and more manageable though. I feel like I'm able to enjoy some things I used to overeat and just stop and enjoy what I had without having more. It's not always easy though!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
I tend to let some weekends slide on my healthy eating because I want to enjoy a little bit of what everyone else is. We went to the movies last night and I ate just regular candy from what my husband and kids bought (maybe 6 pieces), some popcorn and a couple of nachos. I also enjoyed a diet frosted lemonade over a two day span this past holiday weekend (we are in Utah) which is something I had been craving for weeks. As bad as all of that sounds, I ate healthy the rest of those days and also exercised. I didn’t let it become an entire day of eating junk. Sometimes we just want to feel “normal” and I had to tell myself that it’s okay to do that just as long as you do it in moderation and don’t let it become an actually problem. Just thought I would share with anyone who struggles with this because I used to get really emotional about having treats and would feel so guilty just for craving certain things. For me those cravings don’t go away unless I have a little bit of it but if you don’t trust yourself then I would recommend finding an alternative. Have a wonderful day everyone!

Hi! I am new and here is the issue. I had roux-enY surgery in 2013. I went from 235 to 104 easily. I thought it was cool for an lady to be wearing size 2 jeans. I was a skeleton. Doc said to gain weight and I did. My bet weight is 135-144# but I got a little carried away and am now 175#! Help! I need to get back. I was on a great support group on my talk and my name was thinlynn and I cannot find it. Does anybody remember me?

We had little banners at the bottom to chart our weight loss/gain. Any help would be appreciated.
They aren't great for your good gut bacteria either, and the hunger stimulation can be significant in some people.

I like what you wrote. We all need to allow ourselves a bit of mercy, grace, and forgiveness in this process. Nothing should be off-limits at all times (unless it doesn't agree with you), as I think that sets people up for failure. It's a balancing act, and I think allowing yourself to enjoy certain "unhealthy" foods once in a while is a good thing and doesn't turn it into something that drives us to overeat. Although, we all need to be self aware of those things that may trigger additional eating. There are certain things I stay away from because my habits of the past were very strong around those things and always associated with overeating. I think that's getting better and more manageable though. I feel like I'm able to enjoy some things I used to overeat and just stop and enjoy what I had without having more. It's not always easy though!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Amen to this! You said all of this so very well. Thank you :)
I agree that giving yourself grace and allowing regular eating from time to time. But I'm struggling a bit right now to get back on track. After going away last weekend and allowing whatever I wanted, I was hit by emotional stuff this week. :rolleyes: So I need to get a handle on emotional eating, I am always plagued with that.
Hi! I am new and here is the issue. I had roux-enY surgery in 2013. I went from 235 to 104 easily. I thought it was cool for an lady to be wearing size 2 jeans. I was a skeleton. Doc said to gain weight and I did. My bet weight is 135-144# but I got a little carried away and am now 175#! Help! I need to get back. I was on a great support group on my talk and my name was thinlynn and I cannot find it. Does anybody remember me?

We had little banners at the bottom to chart our weight loss/gain. Any help would be appreciated.

Welcome Lynn. Wow, you really lost quite a bit. I am sorry about the regain and I hope you are able to get back to your desired weight.
I agree that giving yourself grace and allowing regular eating from time to time. But I'm struggling a bit right now to get back on track. After going away last weekend and allowing whatever I wanted, I was hit by emotional stuff this week. :rolleyes: So I need to get a handle on emotional eating, I am always plagued with that.
This is a major struggle for so many of us and at times it seems like we can never pull ourselves out. Have faith in yourself and remember how far you have come. It’s the worst when you worked your butt off and allowed yourself to get back to point A (I’ve been there prior to surgery). It’s MUCH easier to keep pushing forward vs. having to start ALL over again. Sorry if that wasn’t helpful lol but this is how I feel about the situation after being in those shoes.
This is a major struggle for so many of us and at times it seems like we can never pull ourselves out. Have faith in yourself and remember how far you have come. It’s the worst when you worked your butt off and allowed yourself to get back to point A (I’ve been there prior to surgery). It’s MUCH easier to keep pushing forward vs. having to start ALL over again. Sorry if that wasn’t helpful lol but this is how I feel about the situation after being in those shoes.
It was helpful, thank you, because it is so true that it is easier to push forward than start all over again. I'm not quitting, I'm just resting stands out in my mind (I think I posted that before.) I do have plans on how I will get back on track.
I went 2 days with minimal walking, and I was determined not to go w/o again today. I really didn't feel like it, but I made myself do 2 hallway laps, then continued with 2 more. Woohoo! Only about 15 min worth, but I could feel y'all having my back and encouraging me to take those extra steps. Thank y'all for your support & encouragement vicariously. ❤❤
I tend to let some weekends slide on my healthy eating because I want to enjoy a little bit of what everyone else is. We went to the movies last night and I ate just regular candy from what my husband and kids bought (maybe 6 pieces), some popcorn and a couple of nachos. I also enjoyed a diet frosted lemonade over a two day span this past holiday weekend (we are in Utah) which is something I had been craving for weeks. As bad as all of that sounds, I ate healthy the rest of those days and also exercised. I didn’t let it become an entire day of eating junk. Sometimes we just want to feel “normal” and I had to tell myself that it’s okay to do that just as long as you do it in moderation and don’t let it become an actually problem. Just thought I would share with anyone who struggles with this because I used to get really emotional about having treats and would feel so guilty just for craving certain things. For me those cravings don’t go away unless I have a little bit of it but if you don’t trust yourself then I would recommend finding an alternative. Have a wonderful day everyone!

Lesa Marie:
Thanks so Much for your sharing Ur Struggle! Over the years, I have had some issues and struggles.
But my Daughter’s and my Grandkids are my inspiration! I am like the Engine that kept on trying! I tell myself I think I can…. I think I can.
Finally able to say and know I can!
Welcome Lynn. Wow, you really lost quite a bit. I am sorry about the regain and I hope you are able to get back to your desired weight.

Welcome to our Support Group! I am also, new to this Support Group. Congratulations on sharing your story! Since we all have some of the same things. When I first began my new lifestyle, I guess I was thinking like most people that I would drop pounds and become a stick person! Since, 18+ years have passed, I have realized that bone thin may not be a good thing for me. Each person has similar goals and experiences. One thing we all have in common is a Desire to regain our health and a better sense of ourselves! Loosing weight is Great Opportunity. But it’s better to Maintain a healthy weight loss. By exercise and Healthy Meals. Also by blogging with each other to give encouragement and to share our Journeys. Wether you are just beginning this process or are years out of Surgery…..it’s Okay to get back on track!
Well I slipped up today . Right now at this instant I have stomach pain and I’ve been throwing up liquid. I guess you could say dumping. Not fun if you’ve ever had it you wish you were dead. I ate 14 Grams of sugar in a ice cream called NICKS .

Should of only ate a quarter of it instead of the whole thing . Don’t do what I did it sucks. Going to bed ,
Well I slipped up today.

Don’t do what I did it sucks. Going to bed ,
Aw, sorry you dumped, bro. I had one dump about 3 weeks post-op, being piggy and stupid. It hit me like a wrecking ball in the middle of a crosswalk. I was doubled over and people around me thought I was having some kind of intestinal bleed. They helped me get across, spasming, sweating, unable to vomit, feeling like I was going to explode, while the no-no I'd gobbled down was diving from my stomach to my intestines. I wanted to die even more than I thought I might die!

Only once. Never ever ever did something so stupid again.

Friends, if you've never dumped, believe me (& Bill), you never want to do it. Follow the guidance of your team, avoid fats and sugars (especially combined), digest your food carefully.

Nothing feels so awful on your post-op digestive system than full-on dumping. I'm glad it happened to me because it made me very serious about sticking to my prescribed eating plan.
Well I slipped up today . Right now at this instant I have stomach pain and I’ve been throwing up liquid. I guess you could say dumping. Not fun if you’ve ever had it you wish you were dead. I ate 14 Grams of sugar in a ice cream called NICKS .

Should of only ate a quarter of it instead of the whole thing . Don’t do what I did it sucks. Going to bed ,
I’m so sorry you are experiencing this, I hope when you awake that you’ll feel a lot better. I’m not sure which surgery you got but I was warned with the bypass by my BFF that you can dump quit easily if you aren’t careful. Lets just say I went with the sleeve lol. However I’m still careful bc we can still get sick too. The frosted lemonade I had at chikfila has 43 grams of sugar in it (it’s a LOT, I know) but I split it up in 2 days and still didn’t drink it all. No way was I going to drink all that sugar in one day and get sick from it. I did a little research and for sleeve patients it’s recommended no more than 15-20g of sugar a day so I try and stick with that. I just have a big problem with fake sugars, they taste awful to me just like fake butter does but I also grew up in the south so we didn’t do fake anything when it came to cooking lol. Feel better soon!
Thank you guys and I hope I learned my lesson. Oh Diane that must have been awful to have dumped in public like that . It’s definitely not fun it’s probably like the 3 rd time I’ve dumped but this was the worst.I thought my stomach was going to explode and the liquid vomiting was gross . On the bright side me and wife were at DISNEYLAND and got to see the Rock and Emily Blunt going into a a trailer that was set up for the Jungle Cruise premire that night . Said hi to John Stamos as he walked by too .

I used to be a Jungle Cruise captain when I was going to college part time so it’s kinda cool to be sort of associated with the movie . We’re going to see it Saturday.