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Kidney stones - after gastric bypass


Yesterday at 9:00 pm went to ER with abdominal pain on the right side. they did a CT scan, I was admitted last night for 11 mm kidney stone in my ureter. I have been stumped since previous stones were from botched hysterectomy where my right kidney was shut off for two years, and then dehydration At work environment. I used to not drink water. I just finished reading an article on calcium oxalate (spelled that wrong sorry) stones, which says they can occur after gastric bypass. Third bag of fluids so far to see if that can help it move, really hadn’t planned on this for the holiday. Pain med is helping with antibiotics. Missing my puppies. Worrying about my puppies with the holiday noisy fireworks, and been NPO since midnight. Would really like to drink water, decaf tea, something. I am dealing with my pain like normal with humor and telling stories to make people laugh. Before the pain got bad yesterday I was making weight watchers chocolate doughnuts with protein. I did get seven of them in freezer, 4 in fridge and ate 1. Was planning to make the cinnamon kind but pain in my abdomin started getting bad. I took break to see if pain would ease up, watched TV. Thought that might help. Didn’t happen. Dr is supposed to stop in sometime today, they were talking about procedure to remove stone. Hard to say. Dr morning was taken up with previous patients and some family activities after,

was just getting back on my feet from overdoing on yard work two weeks ago. Oh well take in stride and play games on ipad. That is all for now.
Just shy of a half-inch. I assume they're measuring the widest points. Then make it round (ish) and oh my god, the texture is like sandpaper. Nasty. I'm glad you survived it so well. Hope you feel much better now. I remember passing a few stones many years ago. I was young and strong & thought I'd die before those mothers made it ou1. Now you're resting, right?
Listening to audiobooks, checking in on games and searching safari pages. Drinking decaf tea and now water. Got peanut butter and jelly sandwich for first time in 23 hours. And peeing about every hour and half. Could be worse. Tordall is keeping pain under control. Texted to support network getting much love and encouragement. Looking forward to be going home in the morning. Old hat with stones first time they admitted me and broke it up, all previous stones were left alone for me to endure. The stones are calcium oxalate. In my mind I have a zen place to go when I hurt. Feels blessed that I have guardian angels and many people who check in on me. Including the wonderful people here at this site. You are appreciated and I am grateful.
hospital sent me home at lunch time. Took paperwork to VA to add to my file. Then went to get antibiotic, pharmacist said to add squeezed lemon juice to water. No! very big! no picking up puppies. Meanies. The puppies were so happy to see me. I felt horrible not being home with them during the night. They still couldn’t give enough affection because they missed me. They are still missing husband too. after I got home I got a call from VA for community care network to cover the costs of follow up appt next week for removing the stent. It is a relief to know everything is being taken care of.
Doing better. Made today a sleep most of the day. Catching up on rest. since dr broke up the stone the is very little pain. I am doing good. Friends are checking in on me. Feeling loved for sure.
Calcium Oxalate Stones
found this when I was admitted for 11mm kidney stone which is considered serious
this was the first time I was admitted. The dr used lazer to break it up and then put a stent in my ureter over scarred tissue from previous surgeries. 14 days later the stent was removed. Stents are uncomfortable and you feel like you have to pee non-stop. I mowed then weed trimmed after dr took stent out.
I am getting ready for my birthday I have been trying to create a coconut cake (third try) with chocolate ganache and white icing. With coconut flakes . Icing and flakes are left. Don’t panic I will have two pieces and the rest will go elsewhere. Letter from city complaining about the other property, been there for 4 hours in last two days. Making progress. The area I didn’t finish trimming in May that could have been mowed at less than twelve inches, grew up to 6 feet during my down time for medical issues. Charging batteries to go back in an hour or so. Inconvenient since I still have 2/3 of pool yard to finish mowing. Went through 3 batteries at other property just on the weed trimmer. getting some other stuff picked up and put in correct places, including the recycle bins of paper(+shred), cardboard, plastic and glass. Just emptied them yesterday. tomorrow I will be loading stuff to go to salvage, the truck comes home then. Son will be in town to pick up his motorcycle after getting it serviced. I repeated the protein ice cream experiment made 2 - 4oz cups of ice cream. talked with the VA bariatric dr shared with him what the surgery team said in Februar, then I updated him on husband’s death, the recent medical issues. I have gained some weight and dr is concerned but understands that my agenda has been over burdened. I did talk to him about trying to design a bariatric form. I also know that the 30 min liquids before and after foods has not been strict enough on my part. Just a short update. So after I finished taking a break I went back out and put 2 1/2 hours more on the other property. Kept it simple weed trimming on the curb, grass blowing on the side walk, and two stumps off the corner of the concrete wall. Went through 9 batteries. Charging time.
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I set goals, some days are better than others. Every so often I get setbacks but no use to dwell on those, just change stuff to do. Today I decided to take things easy. Really wanted to go back to sleep, didn’t happen. I did get my dishes done and I did finally fill my inside composter.