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lately viewing

I watched a Netflix documentary about the death of Frank Olson in 1953 called Wormwood. Shoulda been shorter but it's a fascinating story, and I got there because I finally watched Men who Stare at Goats, which was a task to get through. Something in that movie pointed me to the documentary, which then pointed me to The Report on Amazon, which I'd seen but hadn't been that impressed with. The second time, it was better. I also watched The Life of Leonardo da Vinci, as he's my idol. I used to draw pictures from details in his painting. The angel from Virgin of the Rocks is attached, though this is a copy of the third one I created. I gave the first one in pencil away, then painted a second one and don't know what happened to it, then drew it again, but not as well.


Re-watched Capote with Philip Seymour Hoffman. I had recently also re-watched The Master, though it's a tough call as to whose performance I was watching it for, he and Joaquin Phoenix are both just so good. Re-watched Lars and the Real Girl & found it edgier the second time.

Have you seen The Lighthouse? It's intriguing me but don't want to rent a stinker. Also curious about Blade Runner 2049, but I thought the original was so brilliant, I can't imagine a sequel. Plus, the way these movies are filmed, in the dark with a lot of raining and stuff, I always get cold watching and I do not like that.

Saw The Chef and found myself irritated with the camera work. It's also irritating to me when you see some slob like Jon Favreau with a super-hot wife who has tons of money & lives in a mansion. No way a guy like that is going to snare Sofia Vergara. I think I already mentioned seeing Honey Boy which, in retrospect, becomes more disappointing whenever I think of it. Saw The Big Sick, which I thought was really good.

Next up, Gimme Danger and American Experience: New York. Kinda wanna watch Escape from Dannemora because I had a Twitter friendship with Patricia Arquette, and almost everything she's been in since she was a child, I've seen and admired. Sometimes I'll watch a shitty movie just because a great actor is in it. "Escape..." is not my cup of tea, but her acting is. Also on deck, The House of Suh.

I enjoyed After Life with Ricky Gervais on Netflix and Season 2 is on the way. And I saw a documentary Unabomber: In His Own Words that was very good. Also on Netflix, I thought the Pharmacist was excellent.

And of course, I have to watch Pandemic on Netflix, even though it's a series with multiple episodes.

I'll probably rent one of the several movies I didn't see in the theaters, but I'm not that interested in any of them except Jo Jo Rabbit. I have a lot of free movies already, and since stumbling upon the free IMDBtv channel, I'm overwhelmed with choices. And because I was looking for video of Nancy Wilson shredding guitar solos for Heart, I ended up finding Mike Beato on YouTube and have been watching him break down all kinds of songs and guitar parts. Can't wait to get this cast off so I can pick up my guitar again, but my arm still hurts a lot, even though my fall was in November. It's just not healing, which probably means there's a lot of connective tissue injury.

Seen anything good lately?
I thought After Life was AMAZING! My brother in law passed last April at 50 from glioblastoma. He was diagnosed in January and gone by April. Watching After Life was kind of cathartic. I stayed with my sister and helped with every step of his illness and passing. I am really looking forward to the next season.
I just finished High Fidelity on HULU. I loved the movie, and the series was fantastic, and I hope they have a second season.
I want to start Killing Eve, but I feel like that’s going to be a binge fest, so I have to make sure not a lot else is going on. My husband, son, and I love Doctor Who, but that’s over until December.