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Muscle cramps?


Hi all, today is day 10 post op, and I posted a couple days ago about wondering if it was odd I wasn’t experiencing lots of negative symptoms so soon. Still no nausea or vomiting, just wondering about the random muscle cramping I’m still getting in my mid right abdomen. It feels kind of like a Charlie horse and is for sure a muscle feeling, as I’ve pulled tummy muscles before. I’m surprised that with all the info I’ve acquired, I don’t recall anything about this specific kind of discomfort. It takes my breath away when it happens, and hasn’t been predictable other than it seems to happen after 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I’ve talked to a nurse and my post op nurse, both said as long as I’m not nauseas or vomiting it’s likely just surgical healing. Anyone else with this?
That's probably all okay, but anytime you have concerns, do bring it up to your bariatric surgeon, nurse, nutritionist and anyone else. This group is full of veterans, but we are not holding ourselves out to be medical experts. We'll give you support and love and encouragement but asking questions of the professionals is all part of what they get paid for. I can't offer you an answer because I had an open procedure, which was major surgery. I know nothing about what people experience with the new gastric bypass procedures. Good luck! You deserve proper answers from real professionals.
I didn't have any muscle cramping, but did experience some nausea and have vomited a few times after eating. It's good you checked in with the nurse. When I have issues come up, I may post them online here but I always check with the nurse/PA who work with the surgeon. I have found sometimes the "team" tells me different opinions, so when that happens, I can point it out to them and hopefully improve the quality of care for myself and others. That happened with the issue of taking capsule medication or sprinkling it.
Thank you both so much! I find that I like gathering information from abundant resources. I’ve found that I get a greater peace knowing I have resources to ask and a greater pool of understanding. I plan to call in to my surgeons office on Monday if I’m still having a cramp or two come Monday (I’ll probably ask anyway). This process for me had been 5 years of gathering information and trying things on my own. Another year of preparation mentally and spiritually and 9 months of pre surgery. I am maybe a little overly aware of my body, but I think that is not unusual for such a big life change. I did also have a tubal ligation at the same time of my surgery, so that’s just another possibility. I’m grateful for the surgery and this group and the talented medical professionals who have worked with me. Thanks so much again