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Tomorrow I have an appointment to talk to my surgeon to inquire about tests he has on my list of things to complete. I think he has these tests because I said in my history that I have struggled at time with GERDS. He has an upper endoscopy and upper gi/esophageal manometry. Almost 3 years ago I had an upper endoscopy and I woke up during the procedure. It was a horrible experience and to top it off the doctor was unbelievably inconsiderate and rude because I was crying and upset. To top it off they found nothing wrong. In fact the same doctor told me you’re too fat and you need to lose weight that’s the only thing that will make it better. Granted he was right because when I lost I didn’t have issues until I gained the weight back. The other test from what I gather isn’t great either because they put a tube down your nose with a sensor that will measure the acid in your stomach. I am hoping if I tell him my experience and that they found nothing and it’s weight related he will not make me do it. I am so stressed and nervous. If you pray please pray he doesn’t make me do it and if you don’t then fingers crossed and good vibes work too. If you have had these tests what was your experience?
Tell him your experience and let him explain to you why the test is needed. This is not the same doctor who did your previous test. He will probably tell you you need the test. They need to evaluate your body before committing to do the surgery. Take some deep breaths and let him know what's going on with you. Good luck.
Tell him your experience and let him explain to you why the test is needed. This is not the same doctor who did your previous test. He will probably tell you you need the test. They need to evaluate your body before committing to do the surgery. Take some deep breaths and let him know what's going on with you. Good luck.
I don’t know who will be doing the test I could be referred to the same place and with the same doctor. I haven’t received the referral yet. I could see the tests on my patient portal. I will not go to the same doctor so if the test is necessary I hope they have a different doctor.
I have had some doctors I didn’t care for but nobody that treated me the way that he did. Who would not be scared if they woke during a procedure with a scope down their throat and were gagging. I am in school to becomes registered health information technician and we spend a lot of time covering patients rights and the obligations facilities have to patients to provide the highest level of care. This doctor has bad reviews on google, healthgrades and webmd and the usual issue is how he treats patients and his rudeness.