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New to Forum

Hi, I am new to this forum. I had surgery one month ago, March 27.
I am struggling right now also about weight loss. Lost 18 lbs my clothes fit the same.
I do my walking and sometimes walking. I have trouble drinking more 35-40 oz. also the amount of food.
I am going thru an emotional dip right now, I dont feel like I lost weight in any way. I wanted to know if you were experiencing that also. I second guess doing this, I took forever to truly commit to the surgery. I guess I thought, hoped and was told that I would see a fair amount of weight loss, that would keepe positive. What do u do to keep your chin up?
Dear Cinderella,
I know that I made the right decision to get this surgery. I also know that it takes time especially in the early stages right after surgery where your body is putting all of its energy to healing. The protein and the liquid are helping you heal. That is where it is going right now. I think you are losing faster than I did. 18 pounds in a month is great. Could you have lost 18 pounds that fast without the surgery? I know I could not. As long as I am losing weight I am ok. I have two friends who have had surgery also but way over a year ago. I see their results and they encourage me much. I go through many ups and downs. Right now I am on an up. I think it is because we are about to fly to NYC on a business trip. It has been coming for 2 weeks now and we are just waiting for all the players to be int the right place. I truly hope we are going to go today. The next hour and a half will tell. I have gone through much anger and depression. I don't do well with exercise either because I get real dizzy and tired. Keep in touch. I had the r-y gastric bypass. I know very little about the sleeve. Keep on smiling. Oh yes, I journal. I have a food journal and a regular journal. And this forum helps me much. That is how I get by day by day.