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New to weight loss

Hi all, my name is Kyrie and I’m new to weight loss... I weigh 290 lb and am looking into weight loss surgery... I have some family that’s for it and some against it... my first seminar is in September.... I’m here looking for information on surgery... anyway here I am for the support...
Hi Kyrie and welcome to the group. You are going to have a tough road of it because of the fact that you have people who are for you and people who are against you and those people cause complete chaos

your mission, should you your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to withdraw into yourself and ask yourself the most important questions about weight loss. What is your catalyst. Can you follow a food plan. Who are your saboteurs? Who wants to see you fail.

get a get a blank book now. From now until the surgery date write down all of your feelings be frank. Hold nothing back if you find in your writings that you are repeating they character flaw in a certain relative or friend, back off from that friend. That friend will do everything to make you feel bad about what you're doing.

a weight loss a weight loss surgery is actually the smallest part of the problem. The pain is less and paying you are feeling as you agonize over what you're going to be losing and what you going to be gaining. I lost my best boyfriend when I lost my weight. But boy am I glad it happened then and I have baskets full of makeup in my bathroom, I color my hair I do is skin regimen everyday and I cook gourmet food from all around the world is all within the blessings of the weight loss surgery ramp-up. Even the ones you love the most are going to feel abandoned by you belcause you are making this drastic change.

Pay special attention to your detractors.. take a note to a meal and when you're there eat sensibly and show your loved one all the love you feel for him or her get her on your side. For all the others, just make sure you love them and that you let them know you love them get little greeting cards that say I love you and for no reason whatsoever give them to them maybe you could ride it inside this is for no reason at all except to let you know I love you. Do it enough and they will all come around to your side. But then stop telling people. "You do not know what lurks within the heart of men... the shadow knows"

Take Brenda's virtual tour on the day of surgery. It is under the latest resources section of our forum. Just keep scrolling till you get to the end of the messages and there it is. Read it and you will understand so much more about the actual nuts and bolts of that day. There are people here who are waiting and there are people here who have already done it and are sharing what it's like. You'll never be alone and every question you asked will be answered.