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New...waiting on appointment with surgeon


Hello. I have had 4 different doctors advice me to get the gastric bypass surgery. I am scared to death of it for some reason but have decided to go ahead with it. I have several health issues and this surgery is the only way to fix some of those. I have a fixing to be 4 year old daughter who I adopted last September. She has many issues caused from trauma from her birth mother. I know if I have to be in the hospital for long she will totally freak out. I have no idea about any of the prep or recovery periods. I have been googling info but am getting more confused. Can anyone please explain what happens after the initial doctor’s visit?
Welcome to our group, Laura Ann. Stick around. Every question that you want answered has already been answered here. The archive post go back about 10 years. When you search for a topic magnifying glass on menu bar you will find many many post with many descriptive experiences. Your four-year-old kid does present you with unique challenges. You want to get healthy and live a better life and raise your daughter. But you are afraid that if you try this, it won't work. I had bypass surgery 12 years ago. Go ahead and look at my profile. Nowadays they tend to do everything laparoscopically. You may be only overnight in the hospital. But without complications it's unlikely that you would be there more than two days. Prepare to be flooded with answers. We really care about each other here. And we care about you.
I had to stay two nights. It is well worth the years I hope to add to my life! There is lots to learn. Read stuff here and get information from your surgeon. Some depends on which surgery you are having and where you are located. The surgeon’s all have different guidelines.
Luara don't feel bad. I am a mother of 4 boys. So I was worried about it too. But the hospital stay depends on if you have complications or not. It also depends on the surgery you have. Just remember there are other mothers going through it as well. And we will all be her to help you with support
Hi LauraAnn,
I have not had the surgery yet. I have my first visit next July 17th with the nurse practitioner for the bariatric department. I am nervous and scared as well. The aspect of anesthesia, going under scares me , and complications scares me to death. My kids haven’t had the best life and they have seen stuff that they shouldn’t. However, I haven’t talked to my girls yet about the surgery. It’s in the very beginning stages. And plus when I had my tonsils removed, I had a bad reaction to my anesthesia and I ended up being in a coma like state, and they saw me been carried out of my house by an ambulance. Anything that has to do with me going to a doctor they are scared. But I plan to reassure them that’s I will be ok. And it’s for the best of them. I think when you have more information from your surgeon and maybe a date then you can talk to your daughter. Ask the surgeon some of the things you can tell your daughter. I plan to tell my kids they are my inspiration for getting the surgery because I want to take better care of them. I already know that I will have to be in the hospital. But I do plan on talking to them while I’m in there and doing FaceTiming. Thank you for adopting her. You have done something very selfless and best decisions you could have ever done. Good luck!!