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No grains for a year??


I had my first meeting with the dietician today and it did not go at all as I anticipated. It felt pretty perfunctory and short but the strangest part was finding out they don’t want me to eat any whole grains for a year. I get the reason, they don’t want you to consume anything that can continue to expand in your stomach like rice or quinoa. For someone who is all about grains, nuts and high fiber, it feels very very strange.
I had my first meeting with the dietician today and it did not go at all as I anticipated. It felt pretty perfunctory and short but the strangest part was finding out they don’t want me to eat any whole grains for a year. I get the reason, they don’t want you to consume anything that can continue to expand in your stomach like rice or quinoa. For someone who is all about grains, nuts and high fiber, it feels very very strange.
Wow, no grains, fiber or nuts for a year? And you're having the sleeve, aren't you, which doesn't affect your bowels/intestines? That is really interesting, how differently each program looks at allowable foods.

I had gastric bypass last July. I didn't attempt to eat any of the above 3 types of food for the first 6 months or more. After that, I gradually reintroduced them to my diet. Listen to your team of course, but I wish they would give you good explanations for their instructions. Good luck.
your stomach doesn't stretch. All the fatty tissue around it gets bigger and you look fatter in your stomac. but the notion of stretching is one of those myths people with eating disorders have.

don't take my word for it. check with th3 Mayo Clinic or any big hospital with an eating disorders program.

Your doctor might identify wheat products withn one of your trigger foods. If you don't eat it, you won't be triggered to eat something else badn f0rnyou. And as members here will tell you, everyone's probram differed from everyone elses

but liste;n, when your doctor says don't eat this or that, don't just nod. ASK WHY. do not accept a command without an explanation.

if your stomach could channge size to make you fatter or thinner, no one would need this srgery.