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No weight loss


New Member
Had by pass surgery early in February. I have not lost 30 pounds yet. As a matter of fact its been over 3 weeks since I have lost any weight. I am eating between 600 to 800 calories a day, mostly protein. I think my fluid intake is good and I get at least 30 mins. of exercise the days I am not working. My job is very active there is never a day I get under 7000 steps. I am so disapointed and depressed with these results. Any help?
Had by pass surgery early in February. I have not lost 30 pounds yet. As a matter of fact its been over 3 weeks since I have lost any weight. I am eating between 600 to 800 calories a day, mostly protein. I think my fluid intake is good and I get at least 30 mins. of exercise the days I am not working. My job is very active there is never a day I get under 7000 steps. I am so disapointed and depressed with these results. Any help?
Too low calorie will keep you from losing weight also. My doctor has me on to eat 1000 to 1200 calorie a day. I am ten pounds from my goal weight I am a year post op on 5-2-18.
It’s hard to get more than that in me the days I work. I have a job where I cannot eat. I will try upping my calories on my days off though. Thanks.
Had by pass surgery early in February. I have not lost 30 pounds yet. As a matter of fact its been over 3 weeks since I have lost any weight. I am eating between 600 to 800 calories a day, mostly protein. I think my fluid intake is good and I get at least 30 mins. of exercise the days I am not working. My job is very active there is never a day I get under 7000 steps. I am so disapointed and depressed with these results. Any help?

You are getting 85-120 grams of protein in daily? Most of that protein in liquid form? This is the biggest factor in bypass patients losing weight. Also, your getting 64+ oz. of water daily? Keep in mind that while you may not be losing weight, you may be losing inches, your body has to adjust at times to all the stress of the surgery and rapid changes to your system, so sometimes it stops and your weight loss plateaus for a bit. I really wouldn't stress about the calories, if you are working out and walking a lot, the calories are pointless, you are working them off. Focus on your protein and water intake, it is what will cause you to lose weight, especially in this first year. You are no longer in the calorie counting game, but in the protein lifestyle going forward. Congrats on your surgery!
Had by pass surgery early in February. I have not lost 30 pounds yet. As a matter of fact its been over 3 weeks since I have lost any weight. I am eating between 600 to 800 calories a day, mostly protein. I think my fluid intake is good and I get at least 30 mins. of exercise the days I am not working. My job is very active there is never a day I get under 7000 steps. I am so disapointed and depressed with these results. Any help?
Hi there. All of my instruction from my bariatric group was that it’s not about calorie counting forget calorie counting. It is all about volume. We measured everything in cup portions. Given where you are in your recovery I’m trying to remember I’m thinking that I was not eating more than 1/2 cup three times a day. My finished amount still is one cup at a sitting that’s it one cup for all my food choices protein carbs everything. I had a full gastric bypass in 2015 have lost 100 pounds thereabouts. Good luck to you. I’m here if you need to chat more.
Hi Suzan (is that how to address you? I hate typing out someone's entire handle...). You've fallen into the Twilight Zone of the AB FORUM. This stream isn't updated, so you'll be reading something & then responding to the post but without noticing the person made the post in 2018, or 2014 or 2010, etc. Most of the members prior to 2019 have disappeared. I sent private messages to a dozen old members a while back, hoping to give them a little kick so they'd log on & reply. So far, none of those august posters, including those named as "Bariatric Gurus," have appeared. So our group is not huge, but we do have all these old posts to read & discuss, which I think is cool. But no matter how hard you try, someone gone missing in 2018 is not going to respond!:rolleyes:
Yes, at some point I did notice that. But then I keep thinking of the needy lurker or new comer that is struggling. Thanks for reminding me. And yes, it's Suzan... spoken like Susan Thanks very much for asking.
It's disheartening to me. I am hoping for the best for those that no longer have a presence here, but truthfully, I am not hopeful. When I would sit in support meetings and 3 out of 10 present were scheduling redos. The whole idea of that is so abhorrent to me... for me, I can't speak for anyone certainly. Recovery is a serious thing and while we all hear that it's only a tool.... there is that denial that takes place and somehow, there has to be thoughts in there that that doesn't apply to them. I don't know.... I just know that this is the toughest recovery of all because it simply forces one to recover our self respect and self attention or you crash and burn.
It's disheartening to me. I am hoping for the best for those that no longer have a presence here, but truthfully, I am not hopeful.
This thing just seems very cyclical to me. I mean even out there in the way-way-pre-bariatric world, I remember being in Weight Watchers 5 times, going to OA meetings every Monday night and trying every diet that came along. It's always a hopeful beginning and an attempt that meets with failure and then people just disappear.

But before you know it you're back out there trying again and the cycle repeats itself. There are a lot of people here who are usually active. Some of them had surgery yesterday or today or will have it in a day or two and now they're sort of under the radar. I believe they will surface again. They have gotten some good support from people here and they have given us some great stories of their own struggles and their wins and losses.

I think that's pretty much how the circle of life works. So some of us will stick around always and some of us will disappear. But there's always the potential to get something wonderful out of sharing in this group.
Back in 1989 I was also sitting in several OA meetings a week, struggling to get a handle on new sobriety and an eating disorder. While there have been volumes of information that have passed my way since and so many new understandings of my self and the illness of disease, addiction, obesity, there is still the mystery of the fleeting moments of being so convinced that I am never going to have that dragon chasing me ever again-- To the point where I seemingly just cannot lay whatever trigger food du jour has me captivated. The one thing that I absolutely can put my finger on that is happening in those circumstances is that during the excitement of the successful weight loss periods, being so convinced that I will never be fat again, my head and wellbeing and the things I am hearing are so positive. Now, while I have gotten very, very good at arguing with the negative committee, really and truly effective at controlling it...there is a darkness that I cannot get around... just something that washes over me. I wasn't really able to put that into words until just this moment. The panic that strikes is simply paralyzing. A month ago I was completely a hermit and isolated, losing my mind over 15 pounds that I KNOW can turn into 50 in a heartbeat. Today, it's not so bad. What changed? I just started back doing the things I know to do that help me have some kind of positive influence over my day in how I take care of myself. I started to say have some kind of control, but it's not that... it's really positive influence. My food intake the last 2 days is exactly what has been required for compliance of the program that I was given. The most powerful tool that I have right now is just looking at the volume of food that I am eating and not hiding anything. Using FitnessPal.com for that really helps.