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Ok Everyone... Let's Start Exercising 1 2 1 2

I am pumped... Let's Pump It Up... All of us can do this... We don't have to run a marathon...Just start to move. Walk down the driveway, get a pedometer and challenge yourself to do a little bit better each day even if it is two more steps from yesterday. For those who are disable, there are chair exercises that can be done that are very beneficial. I know that I am pumped up and I hope that I can find someone that keeps me that way. I know I am the worst to find an excuse, but once I get out there and try

1 Step At A Time I feel soooo much better. Where there is a will there is a way.

I found a website that might help the disabled with exercise ideas.... http://www.livestrong.com/article/183264-pilates-exercises-for-a-disabled-person/

I know for me if it doesn't take a lot of money, no special clothes, a gym that I would pay for and not go, exercising will be for me. I can't move that good right now but I am willing to keep myself moving. Get a buddy, someone that you can depend on to help you and that you can help them.

I babysit our 2 year old granddaughter five days a week. I not only watch her , but pick her up at 8:00 am (90 minute drive round trip) then drive back her back home in the evening ( another 90 minutes). Now, I have decided that I am going to an aquatic center on the way to pick her up in the morning. At the center they open at 6 am. I will have time to water walk for 45-60 minutes moving my arms with water dumbells.

I know that everybody has different schedules and some seem to be so over-whelmed that trying to add exercise to it is just not possible. I am hopeful that I can do this.