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Bill S.

So hears my picks for the Oscar
  1. Movie Once Upon a Time In Hollywood or JoJo Rabbit I’ll be Hap with either one but I love Once upon
  2. Best Actor Leonardo Decaprio although Joaquin Phoenix will probably get it
  3. supporting Actor Brad Pitt
  4. Actress Scarlett Johansson but Rene will probably get it
  5. supporting Actress Scarlett Johansson although Laura Dern will probably win
and yes I like Scarlett Johansson
AMPAS is a completely corrupted organization and I couldn't care less about the opinions of their stupid membership, most of whome don't even watch the screeners before they vote.

Zellwegger is going to win Best Actor, Female and her "impersonation" of Judy Garland makes me want to vomit. Joker does suck, as you say. And the editing sucks and even though Phoenix is a very good actor and deserving of recognition, his competitors in the field are all better than him, with one exception. Best Picture? I think Jo Jo Rabbit, since you've mentioned it and it made me look into it. But I have only seen a few of the movies because I seriously live on less than $10k a year and movies are the ONLY treat i give myself. it's too risky for me to spend movie money on a film that sucks, so i wait for the dvd most of the time.

We already discussed a lot of this stuff and i do think scarlett is good and has never made a misstep. But i still think marriage story and the irishman are unworthy. After watching django unchained, i knew i'd never watch another tarantino film again. He made two brilliant films in a unique subject area and he should have quit while he was ahed. everything else is just a derivation of his love for blood and guts and using super-offensive language.

I think Scarlett will win best lead and best supporting. i hope to god she does.

but all the awards weenies lost me when they ignored Bale, who is the best actor of his generation. i've now seen FVF four times, once in IMAX and then online because i bought it and that movie just get better with each watching.

and hundreds of millions of movie-going women will never forget how they were all snubbed for best director. Sexist anus openings, all those men who think only of men. I'm crabby. I will buy Honeyboy and A Beautiful Day just to support Alma Har'el and one of my fave directors, Marielle Heller. And millions of men agree with me, i'm heartened to say.

I wish people had the courage of their convictions and would boycott the oscars and get rid of the electoral college. we are destroying ourselves because we talk, but we do not act.
i'm sure you saw this movie long ago, but today i watched The Other Guys on Netflix. Goofy doesn't begin to describe it! there were about a hundred plot lines and Adam McKay is too in love with the MTV style of fast breaks, but the visual effects, the actors and a bunch of the jokes were hilarious. i'm going to watch it again, just to see that 20-story jump and see if I can figure out how he did that! McKay has such a range of talent. started out writing for SNL, made friends and wrote a play with Will Ferrell, understands the sub-prime mortgage scam and features it in this film as well as in The Big Short, then does and amazingly deep dive into Dick Cheney in Vice. What a character. He's genuinely nutty.

Also watched Modern Love and that was a waste of 8 hours of my life! could have been okay, but it sucked in the way the ending was tacked on. so not woth watching.

did you watch The Laundromat on Netflix? That was a great movie. Again, stellar performances by the entire cast and so much love for Gary Oldman, Meryl Streep and Antonio Banderas. I watched it a few times.

Dunno if you liked Spotlight, but I will watch almost anything with Michael Birdman Batman Keaton in it. He neve fails, even when he takes on risky material like Clean and Sober. i loved spotlight and it was one of those films where the entire cast was perfect, from Stanley Tucci to Liev Schreiber to Rachel McAdams. and the story, set alongside the real events that were factors in it, like 9/11, was brilliantly written. Having been sexually molested by a minister, it meant a lot to me.

i like dumb movies too. Cleanses the palate.
Totally Agee ! I wish they had them all in categorys like best comedy best action excetera like the MTV awards kinda and let the people vote instead of the academy. Did you ever hook up your Fire Stick if you got one ? I watched Ford vs Ferrari last week at my sons and yeah it was good . Ha ha I just finished watching Taxi Driver for the 100th time so now I’m going to bed
i'm so hobbled with this stupid broken wrist/arm thing, i don't think i'd have the patience for Fire right now. also, my house is a sty. i have about three levels of depression and even the bad thoughts you're not supposed to have. i don't even buy food. i just eat what's available in my pantry. oh m y god i'm whining!

there is an important distinction among awards shows. the gold standard, the oscars, were established to reward the work, to look behind the persona and see the actor, and if you look at it that way, you can see all the nuances and the choice is easy to make and very sincere and classy. all the other award shows are popularity contests and that's great. but keep them and leave the virtual curriculum vitae of the traditional and dare i say, the sanctity of the award that comes from your employer: the Acadamy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The difference between the Golden Globes and the Oscars is like the difference between a backyard black-powder rocket ship you built from a kit and the Space Shuttle. AMPAS is NASA. The other awards are just for fun. They are based on ticket sales and records broken and personality of celebrities.

That's what gets me. All these people are employed in this industry, and this is their annual performance review. The loftiest of all of them get there because they have genuine gifts, and they understand nuance, even if they don't understand the story of the movie. A guy like Alfred Hitchcock couldn't BUY an oscar win today! Used to be movies had to be figured out, or if they were fairy tales, evaluated by how well the tale was brought to life. Kate and Audrey Hepburn would never get jobs.

It is the weird axis the world turns upon today that decides everything, and nothing is earned. Success is paid for by gowns and hiring publicists and doing press junkets. I'm not saying there arent any good movies anymore. we just don't see them for what they are: either masterful performances or sheer entertainment.

this will be the first year i don't care and won't be watching. Women buy 50 percent of movie tickets and why? so they can see an obscenely expensive gown on the red carpet while and entire continent and a billion animals die? Sorry. I feel like I'm living in upside-down world.

My dad & i used to watch movies together and parse the details. he coulda been roger ebert. i think i spent more of my childhood watching movies than playing tag.

one thing i know: for every big event, there is always a backlash. i'm waiting for it.

does anyone here feel passionate about the performing arts?
i'm sure you saw this movie long ago, but today i watched The Other Guys on Netflix. Goofy doesn't begin to describe it! there were about a hundred plot lines and Adam McKay is too in love with the MTV style of fast breaks, but the visual effects, the actors and a bunch of the jokes were hilarious. i'm going to watch it again, just to see that 20-story jump and see if I can figure out how he did that! McKay has such a range of talent. started out writing for SNL, made friends and wrote a play with Will Ferrell, understands the sub-prime mortgage scam and features it in this film as well as in The Big Short, then does and amazingly deep dive into Dick Cheney in Vice. What a character. He's genuinely nutty.

Also watched Modern Love and that was a waste of 8 hours of my life! could have been okay, but it sucked in the way the ending was tacked on. so not woth watching.

did you watch The Laundromat on Netflix? That was a great movie. Again, stellar performances by the entire cast and so much love for Gary Oldman, Meryl Streep and Antonio Banderas. I watched it a few times.

Dunno if you liked Spotlight, but I will watch almost anything with Michael Birdman Batman Keaton in it. He neve fails, even when he takes on risky material like Clean and Sober. i loved spotlight and it was one of those films where the entire cast was perfect, from Stanley Tucci to Liev Schreiber to Rachel McAdams. and the story, set alongside the real events that were factors in it, like 9/11, was brilliantly written. Having been sexually molested by a minister, it meant a lot to me.

i like dumb movies too. Cleanses the palate.
Oh yeah The Other Guys I liked it I love comedies especially with Will Ferrell saw the other movies too and liked them won’t watch The Laundromat because I can’t stand Meryl Streep I think she’s an overrated actress
Meryl Streep's character in the Laundromat is housewife, but it comes with a twist I think even you would like, based on our shared political allegiances. I think you could stand it. I love Meryl Streep. Saw her first in a tv movie about Auschwitz and then I think it was Kramer v. Kramer. I had read Sophie's Choice and couldn't imagine it being made into a movie but her performance was amazing. Why do you think she's overrated? I'm really curious. What film of hers did you see that made you form that opinion? The Deer Hunter?

Streep aside, the movie is fantastic. Maybe you could hit the mute button when she's onscreen. Gary Oldman and Antonio Banderas as the fiends behind The Panama Papers is a genius pairing. And I'd watch Gary Oldman picking his nose, I love his acting so much. I'm a latecomer to Antonio Banderas because I really hated Melanie Griffith and couldn't figure out what he saw in her (even if she is Tippi Hedren's daughter). I saw her first in Body Double & avoided all her films after that, including the much lauded Working Girl. It's her voice, ya know. Sounds like she's faking a toddler's inflections. And she seems super-conceited, like Sharon Stone (who is also in the Laundromat). Banderas as Hanks's lover in Philadelphia converted me. He played a gay man without a moment of fakery.

Anyway, they are wonderful in this film.

I just watched the first 15 of The Other Guys again and this time, LMAO over the fact that the big firefight and explosion took place in front of Trump Tower. The movie was made in 2010, so this isn't some political statement. It's just wanton destruction of Dumpster and his predilection for gold.
By over rated I meant other celebrities think shes just the greatest actress ever and I have liked a lot of the movies shes been in just don’t think she’s that great.And I love that she hates Trump. Be like Antonio Banderas since the Zorro movies and followed his movies ever since. I was going to go to the movies today to see Birds Of Prey but I’ve been sick with a really bad cough all week thanks from my grandkids so I’m going to see it Monday then Tuesday I’m going to see The Rhythm Section starring Blake Lively both got mixed reviews but I don’t care
looking forward to your reviews and I'm sorry you're feeling under the weather.

But now I'm positive you should watch The Laundromat! It's not even a Meryl Streep movie!

I completely forgot that Banderos was Zorro. I remember Catherine Zeta-Jones from that movie better. Also, I have a huge problem with anything that congratulates a country that tortures and kills animals for sport. Cowards.

Watching Honeyboy now! Finally! Included with Prime.
I’ll have to check Honeyboy out and The Laundromat I have Prime too along with Netflix,Hulu and Disney# . I can’t stand anyone who tortures animals
Spain and Mexico still allow bullfighting. That's a horrible death for a poor beast and called a "blood sport" for a reason. I won't support either economy until they join the rest of the world in banning the slow, savage killing of innocent animals for fun.

Honey Boy was a bit of a letdown, mostly because of the casting. I reviewed it & will send you a link privately.

I do hope you enjoy the Laundromat as much as I did. Once those two characters start trying to explain themselves, it's just riveting and hilarious.