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Please Help

Hello, I know you guys don’t know me but I’m desperate for any help/Support. I had gastric bypass done this past January and my body has not accepted it. Not a day goes by without throwing up 3-6 times a day. I can not hold down any food or nutrition. Yes they have done test and I’ve been in and out of the hospital. Fast forward to Today October 31. I’ve now been in the hospital 9 weeks and I’m praying for help. In this 9 week I have had 3 surgeries, two blood. Transfusions, five different tubes in my chest to drain all the sepsis infection and fluid that gathered around my lungs making it hard to breathe. What iim hoping is for anyone that can donate as little as $5 to my go fund me. I have a family that counts on me and I currently have zero income. Anything anyone can do is so appreciated. Here is the link.https://gofund.me/35e57dcd
We don't know you, and this is your first post. There's no way we're going to flood your page with donations. If you had surgery in January, you've had plenty of time to seek us out for emotional support. As it is, we don't know if you're real or trying to scam us. Don't bother replying trying to convince the group with more "facts" and figures. Reach out to your local resources. If you've been hospitalized that many times and you still have problems, you must have gone to the ER in Fantasyland. Anyway, we're not doctors and we're not here to give people money. We are here for support, and the great people in this group have always been fabulous at that. Need emotional support? Ask away.