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Your body thinks it's starving, so it's protecting itself by shutting down its metabolism. After it gets the message that it's safe, it will go back into burning mode again.

Just roll with it and it'll start back up on its own. Nothing to worry about. It happens to everyone who loses weight quickly. It may not burn that fast, but you'll notice your weight loss again soon.
Your body thinks it's starving, so it's protecting itself by shutting down its metabolism. After it gets the message that it's safe, it will go back into burning mode again.

Just roll with it and it'll start back up on its own. Nothing to worry about. It happens to everyone who loses weight quickly. It may not burn that fast, but you'll notice your weight loss again soon.
Thank you!
A few things to know/keep in mind.
  1. You aren't doing anything wrong (assuming you are following post surgery guidelines)
  2. Exercise doesn't really help with weight loss, but it's great for overall health. Don't count on that for breaking a stall or losing weight.
  3. Almost everyone experiences stalls (and evensome gain) that last days or weeks, and it's totally natural and normal (but no less frustrating)
  4. Fat loss is not a natural body process; we are not designed to lose weight, we are designed to protect weight
  5. Our bodies have to go through adjustments in this process, and how quickly that happens varies from person to person
  6. Continue to make good food choices, stay well hydrated, work in some resistance exercise, and you WILL reach your goals!
Your body composition continues to change, and regardless of what the scale reads, good things are happening in your body!