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so the beginning


So everyone knows I had surgery monday and I had my ugi done tuesday morning I passed it perfectly. I walked 6 laps on monday and I keep going on tuesday. I was the talk of the whole floor. The doctor had to do seven openings but he was happy with the results. I am back at home after 2 nights in the hospital. I am one of the lucky ones because as soon as they took out the drain i was ready to go do number 2 since I have went at least once more. I have not had any pain meds from monday night. The nurses and cna's was shooked that I would refuse the meds. I pushed through and when I was in pain I got up and walked around. It helped. As everyone seen me walking the halls they all held a hand over their hearts. I may be 500+ but I did not let that keep me from walking those lap. They seen that I was so independent. Even after the surgery and they moved me to a room I went to the bathroom and I got up from the toliet by my self. I am not someone to let someone help me with simple things. I made it through those few days at the hospital. With every nurse coming when I needed to be unhooked to go to the bathroom. But when I went for that first walk the heart doctors called because my monitor showed something different from the other patients from the same day. I was the first surgery of the day. Even when I went to get my ugi done I was sat and waiting for my ride back up stairs. A woman was sat beside me and she had the same surgery. She asked if I was the first surgery on monday and when I said yes she looked shocked. She went on to tell me that all the nurses and cna has been talking about me. She said how can I do it. I told her when the pain is getting bad get up and push yourself to walk. Where I had done 8 laps she had only done one. I tried at that point to encourage her to do it. That it will help her. Monday night I had to have the pain shot not because of gas pain but because of the muscle pain. I slept for a couple hours and was right back up. Did what I needed to do and right back to be. The nurses finally would come and unhook me when I called. Then already knew I wanted to get up. I am not one to stay down to much. Well today as I was leaving the nurses had tears in their eyes and wishing me the best of luck. I thanked everyone and walked out. I was not wheeled like normal out of the hospital. I walked out like nothing ever happened. I waited for my husband to go get the car and I even asked ahead of time about it. I drove myself away from the hospital as I drove my self there. Yes my husband was there and he asked the nurse before he allowed me to do so. But since I have not had no pain meds since monday night I was good to drive. I think I just put a new look on patients to all the nurses and cna's that work the floor for those day. The guards even watched me walk out. I hope that with my story everyone can say that it is possible to get through this without the pain meds. It is mind over matter and I made my mind go way over the matter. I remember why I did it and I do not even regret this choice not one bit. Even on tuesday when I was sick and kept getting sick. Found out it was nothing I was doing it was the bottle water they gave me. My body did not agree with it. But I am so glad to be home with my Zelphyrhills bottled water.


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Gosh everyone has said what I was thinking, so hey Wonder woman!

Thanks I thought that it would go worse then this but I am full of energy and I know I am to be resting. And I am trying but this energy is building to a point I want to move stove and fridges to clean under them. So I have been either hiding in my room or over at my friends house but I had to leave there today because I want to get up and clean her house when her little on spilt a drink and no one made an effort to clean it. I told her I had to go and left with my kids. I got home and rested with the boys around the house.