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I don't I don't remember who was asking about supplements but I have written a resource, below, titled Malabsorption, and I listed all the vitamins and minerals I take and the name brands. Have a look. And here's a picture to just underscore it all.

I take I take 21 pills a day, scheduled at 4 different times-- 9 am, 1 p.m., 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. it's very important to take your medication and supplements properly. Do not take calcium with iron. Put them into separate hands full. You can't take thyroid hormone unless you are going to wait 30 minutes before you eat. So I take fish oil, thyroid, and iron at bedtime. You can't take 1500 mg of calcium all at once because your body can only absorb 500 milligrams at a time. So I take 3 doses of calcium a day. Sometimes I have to buy the big tablets and break them in half in order to get the correct dosage. But supplements are expensive, so don't waste your money trying to take more than is good for you. I just got my metabolic panel today and all my numbers are fabulous, as usual. And my cholesterol is 192. It was once 369. This is a problem for my family because we have a history of high cholesterol and triglycerides, and everybody and my family dies of heart disease or stroke, and all of my family develop Alzheimer's. So I'm going to do everything I can to stay as healthy as I can for as long as I can because that is a horrible way to die.
yes. it measures iron, calcium, bun, creatin, & all the other hormones & such in your body, except cholesterol, which is done separately. in this way it can check how well your liver, kidneys, heart & lungs (I think) are functioning & if you're too high or low, your doc can prescribe a fix, either dietary or physically or by medication. I get one every year. I think it's also called a CBC, or something like that.
do you have trouble with swallowing all those pills? like getting full? do you take them with a sip of water? i already i have a hard time with pills feeling like they are stuck now before surgery. :D nothing medically wrong and i only take 2 meds now (super small pills) birth control and buspar (for anxiety)
Yes, I really do take all these pills. The photo attached shows the 10 tablets and capsules I take in the morning. But my pill counts go up and down, as I try new supplements or solutions to medical problems.

I don't have any problem swallowing pills, but for a number of years I had to take multiple medicines every day three or four times a day oh, and I got tired of it. So I learned to hold pills in my mouth let them get a little smoother from saliva, and then I was followed them all at once.

But don't you do what I do I don't have any problems swallowing pills, but for a number of years I had to take multiple medicines everyday three or four times a day, and I got tired of it. So I learned to hold pills in my mouth let them get a little smoother from saliva, and then I was swallow them all at once.

But don't YOU do what I do. If you know already that you have trouble with pills, then you should do everything you can do to find liquids and/or chewables. Nothing is more important your pos-op health than eating correctly.

Even if you start cheating a little, even if you start going backward to your old pre-surgery weight, you still don't have the digestive system you used to have.

So it's really important that you get those supplements down. I'm very sure that my supplements stay in my system long enough to do the good they're supposed to do.

But I as I said before, I get a metabolic blood panel at least once a year. So I know that I'm absorbing my supplements just fine.

You probably have a nutritionist on your team but if you don't, you should insist that you get one. Everyone who has this surgery needs to be re-educated and we need to learn how to live on very little food without going crazy, watching everyone around us eating anything they want to.

Ask your nutritionist to recommend supplements to you, by brand name, or where he or she has found them in stores, like health food stores or even grocery stores or certainly drugstores.

The company that hosts this group on their server or pays to have it hosted is a seller of bariatric vitamins and supplements. You can go to its store by backing up to the entry page of this group and clicking on their link.

It gives permanent group members a discount after they reach a certain number of posts, or after they receive a certain number of reactions to their posts. That's why it's important to post, and also to leave a comment about how you liked someone's post.
You probably have a nutritionist on your team but if you don't, you should insist that you get one. Everyone who has this surgery needs to be re-educated and we need to learn how to live on very little food without going crazy, watching everyone around us eating anything they want to.

Ask your nutritionist to recommend supplements to you, by brand name, or where he or she has found them in stores, like health food stores or even grocery stores or certainly drugstores.

Once again, I completely agree with Diane on this (smart cookie).

Your bariatric team needs to know exactly what vitamin(s)/supplement(s) you're taking so that when you have blood panels done, they can recommend appropriate additions or changes.

I'm on a chewable all in one multi-vitamin and am doing very well with it. In my case, I had to add a potassium supplement to it but all my other levels are great. :) I'm sure your nutritionist/nurse/PA can suggest one that they think you'll do well with. :)
do you have trouble with swallowing all those pills? like getting full? do you take them with a sip of water? i already i have a hard time with pills feeling like they are stuck now before surgery. :D nothing medically wrong and i only take 2 meds now (super small pills) birth control and buspar (for anxiety)
Starting out after surgery, you probably won't be able to take all of them at once. Your iron and calcium need to be taken 2 hours apart. I take iron twice a day and calcium 3 times a day so there are five different times with those alone. My dr told me that all of my other pills should be taken at least 10 min apart from one another. So you don't really get full from the pills because it is taken very sporadically. That may change in the future, but starting out, it helps to do them like that.