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Throwing up

Diane D

hi all,
Just got back from my yearly visit with Dr and have to go fr an endoscopy again as I'm throwing up every so often. Anyone else have issues with hiatal hernia after surgery? Had to have it repaired once before as all my food was getting stuck there and couldn't keep anything down as it was getting stuck in there...
Wow. So did your doctor actually see the hernia on the screen, or is he / she just assuming this is what's wrong? I asked because I was throwing up a lot several years after my surgery. As it turned out I had a loose staple floating around in my pouch as well as a broken Stitch. The bariatric radiologist who found the problem fixed it while he had the tube down my throat. I hope your problem is resolved quickly. There's nothing worse than throwing up when you have only a small pouch left. You can be in agony because you feel everything.