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Centrum chewables ...at least the Orange Burst flavor is...well...I need water to wash them down. The flavor makes me gag and I only tolerate it because I have to (and spent $ on them, lol). I’d do Flinstone vitamins any. day. When my Centrum pack is over, I’m switching.
Ok lol thank you. I can’t stand Flinstone that’s why I was wondering, but I’ll stick with them. I’ve been taking them because I paid for them too lol.
It never ceases to amaze me that people ask these questions, which they should NEVER have to ask. If you are going into or coming out of a bariatric surgery, you should know that you will get sick, malnourished, and risk death if you don't replace the vitamins and minerals you stop absorbing with surgery.

Your stomach is now a pouch, it has little to no acid, which digests food and breaks the nutrients down for your use, everything moves into your intestinal track in much less time, and your opportunity to absorb fats, carbs, proteins, fiber and nutritional elements abbreviates. There's no way to measure how long things stay in the absorptive phase before being broken down into waste.

Without proper nutrition, you risk starvation from malnutrition. That's why any competent doctor or bariatric team offers nutritional counseling before you have any procedure, and you are plainly told that you will have to take double the amount of daily vitamins for the rest of your life. No exceptions.

There are endless nutritional resources in the world, at the library, on tv, on the internet, via your own surgical team, from counselors, from your health or home ec teachers, in books and newspapers, heck, from the USDA, which has been beating my generation over the head with the food pyramid for 60 years or more. Kids watching Sesame Street get nutritional advice from the Cookie Monster!

If your doc isn't telling you this, that's medical malpractice. Malnutrition is the primary risk of death following surgery, assuming you don't replace nutrients in food with supplements of some sort. Yet, these questions about vitamins are high among the top ten queries made in this forum.

So, 2x vitamins, chewable or liquid, and additional calcium, iron, C, D, and B complex, spaced out by at least two hours, 3 or 4 times a day, according to your dosage or preference. Take minerals separately from each other and learn which nutrients dissolve in water and which ones store in fat. These are general rules of thumb, but consult a professional who's completed educational training in food science and take counsel.

This is what I take:

Avail yourself of information, not by asking strangers (like me) and trusting them to advise you, but by learning about nutrition. Nutritional abuse is surely one of the ways we harmed our bodies on the way up the scale to obesity. We demonstrate a new practice--self-love--by taking the first step in the bariatric process, and continue to build on that before and after surgery.

And girls, I feel ya about the chewables you've been eating! I was shocked to read the labels on Flintstones, which had identical amounts of RDA-rich vitamins to the expensive adult vitamins I was taking. But gag me with a steam shovel! I would never give these to my kids or grandkids. I mean, what's in them to make them taste so horrible? And the smell is almost as bad as the taste.

You have the opportunity to start a new life. Only put the truth into your body. Garbage goes in a dumpster, not your temple. Look yourself in the eye and say, "I am beautiful, inside and out." Then cop a regal attitude and only eat food that's fit for a queen (or king, boys).

Need more help? Check out those resources I listed five or six paragraphs ago... and call your doc.
Be careful with the vitamins that CVS et al have. They are not all "potent" enough for bariatric patients. Check with the nutritionist to make sure you are getting enough of the minerals.
Oh no you got to be kidding me!!! I will take them with me when I go today then. Thank you so much for letting me know. Lord I try so hard, but I am having a hard time. I wish my nutritionalist was better at her job, she only sees you once. I’ll make a special appointment with her today or just ask to see her while I’m there, but I’ll show these to my dr!
your the best!! Thank you so much!!
Taxman is right about regulatory requirements for non-patent medicines like vitamins. But I don't think your nutritionist or any medical professional can tell if your vitamin is effective until you consume it. Then they do a metabolic panel, a complete blood count, and check your levels. That's the only way to be sure.

In the meantime, you might want to check out the "store" that sponsors this support group, Bariatric Food Source | Best Prices Online Guaranteed!. They will sell you vitamins & such that are proven to work. That's their sole purpose, is to provide supplements that have been tested and balanced for you.

Your doc will tell you to used chewables and liquids, but I don't, and except for my vitamin, never have. I always get a metabolic panel annually, and I was in a research study for 7 years after surgery. I did worry, however, about solubility in tablets and capsules. So I tested that one important feature, will they dissolve quickly enough to do me any good. What I did was hold a tablet in my cheek until I could taste its bitterness or whatever. That way I knew it was melting. The most startling example of this was when I tried to see if my fish oil gelcaps would melt, with that thick gelatinous container. Oh my god. It took almost no time to thin to the point where the oil could escape, and I ended up with a horrible cod liver oil taste in my mouth for hours. But that was proof it was capable of being digested in the small bowel, where absorption takes place.

In the meantime, buy some bariatric stock from the store here (they also sponsor a great blog) or from your local source so you'll be certain of getting your proper dosages. And on a personal note, make sure you're not getting a chewable or liquid that tastes like a kid's wad of bubble gum. I could barely keep one of those down, considering the nausea I got from the smell, not to mention the taste.