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Water Intake


Ok so Ive said before that my water intake was sub par and i could only get down maybe 8 oz a day because I couldn't find the right sip that wouldn't hurt but now I think ii have found it. Its the dumbest thing ever but this is how I do it....

There is the GLADWARE lil cups its the 4oz 1/2 cup one. I fill that with water and the rim on that one is the right angle where I can just skim water off the top and I was surprised that I drank 4oz of water in like 7mins not an hr like before.
I tried to drink from the bottle and it hurt again but not from the lil cup am I crazy? I'm gonna keep using it because I need to get my 64oz in but has anyone else had to figure out a trick to get your stuff in??
Mcmanis-Welcome to the forum and congrats on your decision to have WLS. It looks like you are doing fantastic!!! Your "water trick" makes sense to me, you are probably swollowing less air. Believe it or not I had to use a straw even though I was told this would be the worst way to drink fluids. I just can't drink anything without a straw, never could. I tried not using one and was swallowing too much air plus making a big mess of things because everything was dripping down my chin onto my clothes. I had to make a "bib" from a dish towel to try to keep clean *LOL* Anyway, use whatever works!!!
before i had my surgery i had a friend that told me she took a 2oz cup pour her water into it and drank it one cup every 15 mintues.it not so hard this way