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Water & weight loss: why it works

these are two posts i'm recycling here. the article i'm referencing to was super-informative, and I haven't seen the info posted in exactly this way. Water-averse members, really read this and apply it to your life. It will help you so much.


On The NeverEnding subject of water, I have found some interesting articles and excerpts you may want to know about. Here's one: it just makes me really feel confident and beautiful I didn't expect that there would be something that would work so easily

In an eight-week study published in 2013, when 50 girls with excess weight drank about two cups of water half an hour before breakfast, lunch, and dinner without any additional dietary changes, they lost weight and saw reductions in body mass index and body composition scores.

It's not magic: Drinking water appears to stimulate thermogenesis, or heat production, in the body, particularly when it's chilled. The body has to expend energy to warm the fluid to body temperature, and the more energy expended by your body, the faster your metabolism (the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy) runs. Specifically, drinking about two cups of 71°F water led to a 30% average increase in the metabolic rates of 14 healthy adults in a small 2003 study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

That premenstrual weight gain is miserable. But according to an article I just read, you can defeat PMS and lose all that water weight by...
Our bodies are made up of around 50 to 60 per cent water, which is vital for our survival.

But water weight refers to any extra water being held in the body.

In fact, water levels can make someone's weight fluctuate by as much as two to four pounds in a single day.

Some women find they retain more water in the week before their period and during pregnancy.

But there are ways to reduce the amount of water weight you cling onto, safely and naturally.

1. Drink more water
It may seem a bit contradictory, but one of the best ways to lose water weight is to actually drink more water.

That's because if you're constantly dehydrated, your body tends to retain more water in an attempt to prevent its water levels getting too low
MORE from Johns Hopkins post-op handout:

Remember fluids should be:
Caffeine free
Sugar free
Alcohol free

Diet Progression
In the Hospital
• Start slowly sipping on Clear Liquids provided
• Fluid Goal before discharge from the hospital- 4 to 8 oz over 2 hours

At Home
1st Week after Surgery- Full Liquid Diet
• Fluid Goal- 64 oz a day*
Protein Supplements can count towards total fluid intake however you need at least 32 oz of water or other sugar free clear liquids without protein.
• Protein Goal- 60-100 grams a day as discussed with your dietitian and/or provider
Drink 2-4 protein supplements a day depending on supplements chosen.
• Refer to your “Nutrition Guidelines for Weight Loss Surgery” education packet for additional full liquid/ semi-liquid foods and a sample meal plan.

2nd, 3rd and 4th Week after Surgery- Pureed Diet
• Continue to focus on fluid intake and protein supplements.
o 64 oz fluid a day*
o 60-100 grams protein a day
• Try one new puree texture food at a time.
• Try to consume 5-6 small meals/snacks a day. ‘Meals’ or ‘snacks’ may only be a couple tablespoons at a time in the beginning.
• Try to consume protein foods first during meals and snacks.
• Sip on fluids between meals. You may drink all the way up to your first bite of food but do not drink and eat at the same time and wait 30 minutes after eating before you resume drinking.
• Refer to your “Nutrition Guidelines for Weight Loss Surgery” education packet for more information on the Pureed Diet Stage and a sample meal plan.

*Fluid needs are individual and some people may require more fluid to maintain adequate hydration. Please follow recommendations as discussed with your dietitian or provider.

For more information, please contact the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Clinical Nutrition Department at 410-550-0311. To schedule an appointment with a Registered Dietitian, call 410-550-7728.

Clinical Nutrition
Diane, I LOVE that you keep posting the water info. I will be the first to admit that the first time I was like "UGH. I love my flavor packets. Water is Water! Leave me alone." Then I read the second post. And on the 3rd, I thought, "Hmm, kinda makes sense. Can't hurt. I'll try it." Now, I haven't completely given up my flavor packets. But I have honestly found that I am less hungry/eat less when I drink plain ol' water. So I have a flavored water at night cuz YUM! Chemicals taste good o_O But, for the most part, I had this surgery to get healthy. So, you've made me a little healthier, by pushing on the water front. Maybe no one else will ever jump on board, who knows? But know that it has made a difference for me. So, thanks.
these are two posts i'm recycling here. the article i'm referencing to was super-informative, and I haven't seen the info posted in exactly this way. Water-averse members, really read this and apply it to your life. It will help you so much.


On The NeverEnding subject of water, I have found some interesting articles and excerpts you may want to know about. Here's one: it just makes me really feel confident and beautiful I didn't expect that there would be something that would work so easily

In an eight-week study published in 2013, when 50 girls with excess weight drank about two cups of water half an hour before breakfast, lunch, and dinner without any additional dietary changes, they lost weight and saw reductions in body mass index and body composition scores.

It's not magic: Drinking water appears to stimulate thermogenesis, or heat production, in the body, particularly when it's chilled. The body has to expend energy to warm the fluid to body temperature, and the more energy expended by your body, the faster your metabolism (the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy) runs. Specifically, drinking about two cups of 71°F water led to a 30% average increase in the metabolic rates of 14 healthy adults in a small 2003 study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

That premenstrual weight gain is miserable. But according to an article I just read, you can defeat PMS and lose all that water weight by...
Our bodies are made up of around 50 to 60 per cent water, which is vital for our survival.

But water weight refers to any extra water being held in the body.

In fact, water levels can make someone's weight fluctuate by as much as two to four pounds in a single day.

Some women find they retain more water in the week before their period and during pregnancy.

But there are ways to reduce the amount of water weight you cling onto, safely and naturally.

1. Drink more water
It may seem a bit contradictory, but one of the best ways to lose water weight is to actually drink more water.

That's because if you're constantly dehydrated, your body tends to retain more water in an attempt to prevent its water levels getting too low

On the subject on the subject of water versus fluids:

Reposting this. I know that we probably discuss water more than anything else. I would say that it's possible there is a belief that maintaining hydration with any fluid will prevent dehydration. I don't think that's true but that's what many of you are banking on. I'm not going to argue about it. I am a water Drinker and always have been and I also sympathize with people who just don't like drinking water I understand how you can feel waterlogged and how you can feel unmotivated just to drink water. It hasn't quite come up to the standard of being a beverage for you.

Here's a here's a distinction you might consider:

Scientifically speaking, water has multiple beneficial effects on losing weight. It has been proven in study after study at the best research hospitals in the world. If you want to lose more weight and you want to lose it faster, drink more water.

I have never seen a weight loss as rapid and consistent as mine, from a weight as high as mine, in all the posts that I have seen here. I attributed that completely to my love of water, and the thermogenesis which is explained above. I'm so glad we didn't have such a strong commercial push for protein drinks back in the day when I had my surgery. Drinking water was practically my only choice besides drinking milk.