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Weird Changes


So... People tell stories about how their bodies, thoughts, and emotions changed after surgery. Here's my strangeness...

If my stomach doesn't like the way something smells now, I get this wave of nausea from my stomach to deep inside my nostrils (think covid swab) and it begins to tickle at an oh-so- uncomfortable way. I'll want to sneeze and throw up simultaneously. I swear it feels my stomach is in my nose and It's horrible. It's happened 3 times.

Also I suddenly LOVE the color red. I've NEVER liked red. I found myself wanting a red purse and a red coat and red shoes. So, so weird! Husband says maybe some inner confidence thing might be happening but I've been thin before and confident before and still hated red. Lol.

Aren't those weird? Our bodies are amazing. Have you guys experienced major differences where you didn't expect them?
I’ve always been super sensitive to smell, but I’ve found now that the smell of fried food makes me sick. My son is in a bowling league, so I’m always happy to be far from the snack bars deep fryers o_O One thing I’ve noticed is I’m really annoyed by shirt collars more now than before. I’ve always hated turtle necks, somewhat common with people who have thyroid conditions, but regular collars never bothered me. Now I look specifically for scoop neck or v necks since I don’t want anything rubbing against the front of my neck.
I have always been super sensitive to smell and taste. Now it has intensified. It used to be strong to the point I could smell and taste mold before it was ever noticeable. Now if its a smell I dont like I gag and sometimes get nauseous but I have found the further out I get it seems to be returning back to my normal hypersensitivity.