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What is happening???


I’m 11 days post op and confused. I weighed 255 the morning of surgery and today I weigh 254!?! I haven’t been able to tolerate protein powders and have been drinking water and Gatorade Zero with protein. I spent $300 on the hospital’s protein shakes, but after surgery I could only drink maybe one a day. I was having migraines and my IV site was extremely inflamed. Overall, it’s been messy. I talked to the dietitian and got some other protein powders, but still having a hard time. It’s been difficult to get in touch with the clinic and I’m falling apart. (My 2 week post op check is Monday) I’m worried about my nutrition. I’ve tried some foods that I’m not supposed to be eating yet, but I get stomach pain. Weird thing is is that I have more energy than before surgery and more motivated to get things done. I also barely sleep now too?!? What is happening??? Has anyone experienced any of the above?
Welcome to Topsy-Turvy Land. Your entire glandular network is governed by your pineal gland, and it's back-sassing you now.

Sometimes cold turkey can backfire. Don't be reluctant to ease up occasionally. Have a snack or drink you miss so much. But it may not taste as good as you wish.

Stay on course but flex when you need to. You're only human and far from perfect. Keep your eye on the prize and go on a diet from negativity. Self-love is what your body wants, more than any treat.
It’s not unusual to not lose anything for a bit after surgery as the body is adjusting to the IV hydration it was given while in the hospital. Could your migraines be hormone related? Sometimes the protein drinks we get before surgery don’t sit well after. Which is an obvious pain because we want to be prepared for when we come home, and I know I stocked up on drinks, so when they don’t work out it’s awful. If you’re getting stomach pain after eating things you shouldn’t, then that makes sense. Your stomach is still healing, and eating something outside of the phase your in can cause a lot of trouble. I hope you can get some of your questions answered at your appointment.
I was the same way and I became very discouraged. I thought I was the going to be the one person who got the surgery and never lost any weight. I lost weight, stopped losing, started losing again about 2 weeks later and now I have stopped again. I had my surgery less than 2 months ago. Just know that it happens to a lot of us & keep going with the program. I never did protein powders and my hospital never had anything to sell me. I was basically chicken broth and popsicles and stuff for the first 2 weeks. I use Slimfast for my protein shake. Good luck!! Keep us updated
Weight loss doesn't always start immediately after surgery because often their is water weight gain from the fluids they pump you up with. Also your body is trying to protect you from losing weight, but it will come around and adjust. Not everyone loses steady each week either, so don't compare yourself to others. Stick with your program and eat according to your guidelines and you will see the scale move, just give it time.

I'm glad you are going in for a check up. Make a list of your questions so you don't forget anything and don't be afraid to voice your concerns.

Good luck and keep us posted as to how you are doing.
As everyone else said. Your body is going through a big change. From your day of surgery a lot of weight change or lack of can be attributed to saline drips. When I worked in surgery each procedure would have a specific amount of saline or other intravenous fluids which we had to adjust for each patients size and also just in how long the surgery takes, amount used to flush blood etc. Often we would have more brought in if required. Then when you go to your luxury hospital room you are also on a saline drip for awhile. The % of sodium in the saline solution is .9% and the human body's natural salinity level is .4% so you naturally will experience a bit of bloating and water retention. You may try laying off the Gatorade for a few days or even a week or two to help your body return to it's natural state of salinity. Food is important to track not only for nutrition but also it's effects on your body. Mineral contents of food, Fructose, Sucrose (sugar) is one thing, but one has to remember about all the vitamins in the chain as well as the amount of sodium.
This is a journey or even an adventure. Each person moves at their own pace. Comparing yourself to others is very unproductive. Give yourself time your body will catch up. The commitment here should not be temporary, this is a lifetime commitment and there is not splitting up or divorce with your foods. My struggle was measuring and how often eating or drinking. This is not an easy path, we all struggle and hit bumps in the road. Portions are a big key and it will become second nature. I struggle with protein but I am finding sources and getting closer to my goals everyday. Hang in there the journey is worth it.
I’m 11 days post op and confused. I weighed 255 the morning of surgery and today I weigh 254!?! I haven’t been able to tolerate protein powders and have been drinking water and Gatorade Zero with protein. I spent $300 on the hospital’s protein shakes, but after surgery I could only drink maybe one a day. I was having migraines and my IV site was extremely inflamed. Overall, it’s been messy. I talked to the dietitian and got some other protein powders, but still having a hard time. It’s been difficult to get in touch with the clinic and I’m falling apart. (My 2 week post op check is Monday) I’m worried about my nutrition. I’ve tried some foods that I’m not supposed to be eating yet, but I get stomach pain. Weird thing is is that I have more energy than before surgery and more motivated to get things done. I also barely sleep now too?!? What is happening??? Has anyone experienced any of the above?

Yes I am in the same boat as you. I am a very slow weight loss person. I am 3 1/2 months out and have only lost 37 lbs after surgery. I did have a loss of 42 lbs before surgery (yes in less time) but add them together and it is not so bad.

You can do this even if you are slow it is still going to move down. just follow the numbers given to your by your team.

good luck and I know this is hard. I went and still have the days when I want to know what I am doing wrong. Why can't have have one big month.
Like everyone else said, your body has been through a huge change and it's shocking. Honestly, it's very likely you gained a bit of water weight in the hospital due to all that saline. If you drank caffeine, stopping can give you migraines. A low carb or low salt diet can also give you migraines in the beginning. Basically, if you get migraines, all kinds of changes trigger them.
Please try to get some protein in. If you cannot take the thicker protein shakes, try the clear. IsoPure Zero Carb makes a clear protein that has 40g per 20oz bottle. You can get it at GNC or you can get the powdered version online.
You just had major surgery 11 days ago. Your stomach is still healing and it can be touch and go with even plain water. I was given 1oz glasses and told to drink one every 15 minutes. I didn't make it to my goal everyday, but I usually got close. For me, 64oz seemed impossible, but I could do an ounce in 15 minutes. So, yes, I spent most of the first 2 weeks drinking aaalllll the time, but it worked.
Good luck.