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Lemon Harvest

Awesome!!! They are beautiful- what do you like to do/make with them???
I used some today to make couscous with kale and grape tomatoes with some grilling cheese on top. Lemon rind and juice in the couscous. I'll use them to flavor a protein and chia seed pudding or in many other savory or dessert recipies.

My wife really loves sour, so she'll occasionally eat one like an orange. These don't seem to be as tart as what you usually find in the store. I don't remember what kind they are. They aren't Meyer, I don't think. We've had great production the last two years. I had to build a larger (albeit still pretty small) greenhouse for it to live in during the winter though. It's gotten pretty big, and our lime is even bigger than that.
I wish I lived in a climate that would sustain a lemon, lime tree or grow pineapple. Juice here is far cheaper and easier to deal with for cooking vs spoilage. But I love using the zest of each as a simple flavorful ingredient to add a little complexity to a meal. IE: My sister could not get her kids to eat garden fresh green beans over canned. I showed her steam them, spritz them with Balsamic Vinegar and a sprinkle of lemon zest and the kids couldn't get enough of them. Looks like a healthy yield for that tree.
I have my first Meyer lemon trees this year. I have a bunch of small green ones. Should I leave them or pick them? I live in zone 8b. Your tree looks amazing!! So pretty!
We are also in 8b. I'd leave them if they aren't ripe/yellow and consider putting some sort of cover over them. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, a simple frame with clear plastic sheeting that acts like a mini greenhouse. Unless you get a really hard frost, they should be okay uncovered, but if you know a hard freeze is coming you might want to either cover them or move them into a mudroom or porch area.