Use a great deal of caution before taking it upon yourself to adjusting or eliminating your medications. You could get yourself in big trouble at the drop of a hat and end up in the emergency room or worse. Your low blood presser could be related to dehydration. I strongly suggest you consult with your doctor before making any hasty decisions. I too was ready to make some big changes in my medications soon after surgery but I talked it out with my doctor and she recommended I wait 'til after I had some blood test before reducing medication, and only if the numbers were in agreement. Measured steps instead of the wholesale chopping I had envisioned. It didn't take me long to see that her way was safer and more practical. I am just saying you should get all the information you can before you skin your cat and be sure you are doing it in the safest way possible.
One thing my surgeon did do for me, before surgery was change my blood pressure medication to milder form for after my surgery.