I am four months post-op and have not only had to recover from RNY surgery, but also had to have 2 kidney surgeries in the past two months. I have had a lot to deal with, but now that I am on my way to a full recovery from the kidney surgeries, I am noticing more issues with the RNY. Even after four months, I don't feel comfortable really eating very much at all. I still am eating pretty soft foods, but it seems like everything I try causes discomfort. I always have a pressure feeling in my chest when I eat and it causes lots of belching. It's not really pain - just an uncomfortable pressure feeling that makes me not want to eat anything. Does anyone else have this feeling? And how long before it goes away? When I talk to friends who have also had RNY surgery, they say they can eat just about anything. I have lost 73 pounds in four months and I know it is because I have been so sick that I have barely consumed much food. Do you think it is possible that since I have eaten so little the past few months, that my pouch has shrunk up some and that's why I am so uncomfortable when I try to eat? I get plenty of fluids because of the kidney thing also, but just not much food. I am very happy about the weight loss, but am really worried that I am malnourished. Any thoughts please????