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About Kevin


Kevin-ever thought about writing a little about yourself in the Introduction forum? I'm sure I'm not the only member who is interested in how you became involved with this site. Have you had WLS, hobbies, pets, work, play, etc.
Yeah, I guess I never really wanted to take the time to talk about myself when I could be using that time to do something more productive, Lol. But I guess I decided to start this site after being a member of a few different forums online and I really like the way that you can pass information with others so easily on software like this. My father is a bariatric physician and since I was about 14 (I'm now 28) I've been working in his offices with him just helping him with whatever he needed (usually counting pills or just random secretary type work). But I've always been able to overhear his conversations with his patients while I'm sitting in the next room, so I've learned a lot about surgical weight loss through listening to patients. I've also learned that his patients needed support from others that are or have been going through the same type of situations. So I figured that with so many people getting better with the internet, thanks to facebook, an online support group would be a great idea. And since I was already interested in setting up some type of forums it just made sense that I would start this site.
I also know one of the guys at www.BariatricFoodSource.com and they offered to pay the small cost of setting up this site if I allowed them to have their own category on the site.

I've never had WLS and I'm just slightly overweight. I exercise often but my eating habits aren't very good. I'll go on a low calorie diet for awhile, and then for whatever reason I'll break away from my routine and start eating like crap again.

But as far as this site goes, I plan on getting it up and running smoothly, and then once it becomes too much for me to take care of on my own I'll find someone else to help with it or to even take over with it.
Well thanks for telling us a little bit about yourself Kevin. It was very generous of you to spend time creating this forum, especially since you have not had WLS.

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thank you for caring.Support is the key to all of our struggles and i thank all of my new friends. still don't know how to get to the chat room........patti
I am wondering why I don't see anyone in the chat room. Kevin-can you post some simple instructions on how to get into chat? I made one post and sent a PM to a member about this but she's still having trouble. This being said I'm sure other's are having the same problem. Thanks!
Honestly, it's just too difficult to get into. And once in, it's odd. All the previous typing is there an I can't tell if I'm in there. Just too difficult to use. I am looking for a room outside of this group. I don't want to post a link here because that is just...um...rude...y'all know how to reach me if interested.

The chat room here isn't really that difficult to find or use. All you need to do is to LOG IN and go to the forums page. The Member's chat room should be on the very bottom of your page...just scroll all the way down to find it. You will see 3 tabs there. Click on the tab that says Member's chat room. Type your message in the small box on the left and hit your enter key. You will see your message inside of the center box on the bottom line. You may have to scroll down in the box to see your message. You will also see a small box on the right of your screen. You will see the names of all members that are in the chat room in that box. BUT you have to enter a message in the box on the left and hit your enter key in order to be in the chat room at which time your name will show up in the box on the right of your screen. I have Java and there is a chance that what you see is different than what I see but this should still give you an idea of how to get into and use chat. It is a very basic chat room but it works just fine. Remember, you must LOG IN first!
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