When I was growing up, vaccinations were scheduled as routine events by grade or age in school, at school. Most prominent was the polio vaccine, and anyone who was in school obediently lined up in the hallway to get the shot. Parents weren't consulted and adverse reactions never made the news.Please understand I'm not writing that to point fingers at anyone in particular.
Good bad or indifferent as that mass innoculation was, polio was wiped out in my generation. I knew one kid who didn't get vaccinated. I was required to visit him at home, where he was confined in his iron lung.
I support personal freedom. But if a person chooses not to be vaccinated, he/she should show that somehow so others can exercise personal freedom to avoid contact.
Of course, this is a simplistic example, but if a virus is transmittable by air or touch, it's a societal mandate that others should be aware so they can take precautions.
Polio resurfaced internationally in the last decade, but didn't have the ambush effect it had 70 years ago. The reason for that was because two or three generations of us had gotten vaccinated.
This issue should not have the power it has, but it seems personal choice has become more important than public mandate. There's not enough data to create law, and people who are harmed by the vaccination, as well as those who cite religious freedom, have to have the same power of voice.
In other words, humans cannot be forced to comply with arbitrary laws that don't apply to every one of them, even if it's shown to be for the greater good.
I got vaccinated within days of hearing about COVID. I had seen polio up close and needed no convincing. There is a subset of data about the particular effects of COVID in the obese population. It seems worse than irresponsible not to get vaccinated now that we're so medically evolved, now that we've seen the apocalyptic devastation it causes.
People I grew up with would have survived without being maimed or paralyzed if there had been widespread knowledge and availability of a polio vaccine. COVID is just as deadly. We have better medical options and conscience should triumph over the power of personal choice, as the consequences are devastating and fatal.
I can only beg my fellow citizens of Earth to get the vaccine, or self-isolate for the love of your fellow human beings. You're packing a loaded weapon if not.
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