I am in my first month working with a dietician before setting a sx date. She didn't want me to lose any weight this month. All I needed to do was record my food intake(1600 cal nutritious food), not drink 30 min. ac/pc, and add exercise. Sounds simple enough but the month is almost up and I didnt do so well with journaling food. I find I start the day out well but eventually I get thoughts of "oh I may never have this again" and I end up over eating and out of shame i stop writing down food for the rest of the day. I only have about 2 weeks filled out sporatically. I guess I am no different than most but I'd like to know if anyone else gets or got feelings of "this may be the last time I eat this." I am also a perfectionist type and feel guilty for not doing my monthly assignment well. Any suggestions for letting go of these unproductive thoughts?