I understand your frustration but this happens to everyone the weight loss curve isn't really a curve but looks more like a stair case. Plateaus are just apart of the game. Recently I was stuck at a weight for over two months, and nothing seemed to work. I tried more exercise and knuckling down on my diet but it seemed I had hit a brick wall. This week I am happy to say, I broke that wall and my weight is again going down. But what if I had let my impatience and frustration (oh yes, I was frustrated) get the best me then what? Quitting was not the answer for me I am too damn stubborn to quit and why would anyone go through all of what we go through just to quit.
I am back on track so it seems until I hit my plateau then I deal with that one, but not alone because I have my faith, family, friends and several groups (including this one) supporting and encouraging me all along my path. All of whom I am grateful for because no one can go it alone.