It's official. I reached my goal weight of 175 lbs. today which means I lost over 50% of my starting weight of 362 lbs. I feel truly blessed because the surgery was the answer to my prayers. I was fortunate because I experienced no problems after surgery and the weight started coming off rather quickly. I know others have not had an easy time with it but all I can say is that it is worth it to be able to get your life back. No more diabetes, afib, hypertension, and sleep apnea. Yes, it's also an ego bolster, especially when people who haven't seen me since I had the surgery need a moment to recognize me. I also just donated 6 huge bags of clothing so, in a way, I get to pay it forward. There is no surgery for tobacco, drug or alcohol addiction, so those of us who have struggled with overeating are so fortunate to have a means to kick our habit. To those of you who are planning the surgery or have had it and are in the process of reducing, I wish you all success, happiness, and most importantly, good health.
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