Ok, what did I do wrong. Started throwing up around 6:30 pm an didn't end till 11:30 pm. What did I do to cause this? My day, always stop drinking 30 before and 30 after. Breakfast had half scrambled egg, lunch 1/4 cup mashed pinto beans with a little corn bread, dinner only 3 bites of grilled chicken moisted with 1/2 tsp mayo and that's when it started. No more eat the bites of chicken an the throwing up started. With my side pain still in full force an the throwing up I feel terrible this morning. Oh I forgot the pounding headache I had most of the day yesterday. Only think new I did yesterday was I started my new calcium chews. Could it have been them that caused this. Still have my headache, didn't get my water or protein in yesterday cause of the throwing up. To scared to even eat or drink today. What I do wrong ??