Along with having mental illness that put a strain on my marriage for the last 3 years, having surgery last year in June for health reasons, has completely made my husband resentful torwards me. He was supportive of me having the surgery, but wanted me to work on my mental health first and have the surgery a year later. I only waited 6 months. I was a 150lbs 9 years ago when we started dating. I gained weight and last year I was 210 before surgery. Today Im a size 4, 114 lbs. I have lost more weight than what the doctor told me I would and what I wanted. My goal weight was 140, but I kept on with my diet and excercise and kept losing. I was happy at 125-130, but I still lose weight. My husband liked me thick and was happy when I was around 140, but told me he that I was getting to skinny. Healthwise, Im physically healthy, no more asthma, sleep apnea, and diabetis meds. I haven't been this healthy since I was 16 years old. I don't regret having the surgery, but I hate that my husband is not physically attracted to me and left me a month ago saying that he doesn't love or like the new me and my new lifestyle, hes emotionally and physcially not attracted to me. And resents me and will never forgive me for having the surgery. He said since I have had the surgery all my focus was on healthy eating and excercise, and I put his needs and wants to the side. I admit this is true. I just don't know what to do. I am trying to gain weight, but being that Im depressed and sad, Ive had no appetite, so Ive lost about 3lbs in the last month. Im not gaining weight for my husband, i just feel im too thin, I can literally see my bones, I don't like it. If I can gain back 10-15lbs, Id be happy.
Let me know how to move forward with this seperation and if you feel there is any hope that he will ever be attracted to me again with my new body?
Let me know how to move forward with this seperation and if you feel there is any hope that he will ever be attracted to me again with my new body?