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I am scared!!!!!!!


I just found this group today and joined. i am scheduled for gastric bypass on 12-28-12 and am scared to death. I am afraid that I will screw up the liquid diet, afraid that I won't lose any weight and afraid I can't do it. I feel so alone and have so many questions that either I can't get answers for or honestly I don't even know how to ask them, I know that sounds crazy but that is my life right now.
Welcome aboard KLS. Congratulations on your decision to become a healthier you! Your emotional roller coaster ride is normal. Take a deep breath, relax. Remember why you chose weight loss surgery. I am sure you have researched it and if not please do. Knowledge alleviates a lot of fear(s). You must have gone through some of the rig-a-mor-rol to have your date set already, good for you. You'll find there are plenty of folks here to help you along the way, ask anything, we ain't shy.

Welcome to the Forum. There are many here who can help answer your questions. Follow your Doctor's orders to the best of your ability. The reason for the liquid diet is to clean up and reduce the size of your liver so the surgeon will have a better view of the area and make your surgery go much easier. It's not exactly easy but you can do it as others already have.

Your fears and questions are all normal. Make sure you read and understand all the literature they give you. Also knowledge is power and I hope you have done some research. My center has a wonderful site that explains everything from day one of your journey. Evidently you have already done a lot to already have your date. This is after all a life changing surgery.

Congratulations on taking the step to get healthy for yourself and for your family. Good luck on this journey we call weight loss and please do come back often to vent or to ask questions as you need to.
Hi KLS, Welcome. It os ok to have all the feeling of fear you are not alone in this, most of us have had the same fears you have described, myself included.. Looking at your weight loss you are doing just fine on your pre op diet so keep doing your best and don't worry. You don't sound crazy either just anxiouse, I know you must have lost of questions so when one comes to mind write it down and before you know it you will have along list of questions, some we can help you with and other question I imagine can only be answered by your surgeon or someone in your bariatric team. Come back and let us know how you are doing. :cool: Tom
KLS-Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your decision to have WLS. Feeling scared before any surgery is perfectly normal. There have been dozens of posts like yours from members who were pre-surgery. You will get through the liquid diet. You may find it difficult at times but you will make it. You will lose weight, lots of weight :) You are not alone in your journey because you have all of us to lean on and to help you understand what to expect along the way. Just make sure to come back to the forum tp address any questions and / or concerns that you have. We are here to help each other :) :) :)
I was scared silly but really decided I needed to do this and did it. I was iffy until I was on the OR table :) Do you have a pal to do this with that will support you and stay after your surgery to help do your diet etc.? You are doing a great thing for your body and it took a while. The surgery it self is not painful at all but the gas they inject, that was painful but you are given good pain meds that control that pain. Get up and walk as soon as you can and take deep breaths no matter how much it hurts. YOU are going to be fine, just know we all go through stages of fear and regret but in the end 1000/1 say it is the best thing they have done for themselves. Stay on here and you will be fine.
I was scared when they called me on the date I was to have surgery. I remember sitting there thinking am I insane? I had all the test done and I was afraid. But I read all I could. Talked to my friend who had the sleeve and my cousin who had bypass. Its a operation and you can sit there and dream up every thing going wrong. I went anyway. All I said was give me something to relax before I go in the OR. They did and I vaguely remember it. I had pain meds all the time. Around the clock.
I did have another surgery while I was there. But when I woke up from the second one I felt pretty good. I went home in 5 days. Pain meds were there I stayed at my daughters and I can tell you this. 8 weeks ago I made the best choice I have ever made in my life. I feel wonderful. 35 meds all gone no more shots because I no longer have diabetes. I lost I don't weigh everyday but at my 6 week check up 51&1/2 pounds. I was okayed to walk but I chose a exercise bike. I live in Ohio I walk daily from late march untill winter. But, we all were afraid. Its scarey & exciting and all kinds of emotions you will have, Before. But, I will love to hear from you afterwards. Congrats. on your date
We have the same surgery date!!! I just found out yesterday!!! I have 8 days to wrap my head around it!! It we be great!!! I have several friends that have had it done and said it is the best decision they have ever made!!! Talk to people get a support group around you! It will be fine!!
Congratulations on your surgery date!! It is normal to feel that way. Just follow your Team's instructions and all will be fine. Remember they are there for you-ask them any questions you have. You can do it!!
