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Indigestion with my sleeve


So I am 5 days out from surgery, had the gastric sleeve on monday, and having a lot of indigestion, gas pressure. I feel like i have to burp all the time, and though my stomach is gurgling in hunger i feel full all the time. I know its brand new but this indigestion feeling is killing me. Anyone have any words of wisdom??

I have a huge bottle of antacids, I recommend you do the same. Keep walking and moving. Things will settle down after awhile.

Amanda - walking really helps with the gas...I walked around a store this morning, it worked as a good distraction from my pain and helped relieve me a bit. Have you managed to pass gas/have a bowel movement yet? I am 4 days out, no bm yet but the gas is getting a bit better, the soreness is what's horrible for me and feeling full so fast (I had roux en y). They prescribed me a stool softener too, Colace, which they said should help move things along soon. Maybe you can ask them about that too?
I have been walking and the indigestion is getting better. I am not having any trouble with passing gas. I have not had a solid bm yet. Some loose stool but i figure how can i have a solid bm if im not eating anything solid right? I also am very sore and can still feel the gas bubble pressure in my abdomen. Keep drinking fluids, and dont forget about your protein or you will feel faint, and your hands will shake. It is just now getting easier to keep up with the fluids and eat some mushy stuff.
Hi Amanda,
I was on vacation, so I didn't see your message until now. Let me tell you what you're experiencing is normal! According to the dietician that worked with me, the stomach gurgling isn't really hunger. She said it's the air in your stomach and not to associate it with hunger. That helped, because I thought I was loosing my mind thinking I was hungry, when my stomach told me differently when I put things in it! :) I also initially experienced loose stools, but that changes after you get into the protein routine. In fact, I experienced constipation for months and all the fiber and stool softeners did not work. I was having to take laxatives to go for awhile. Fortunately, I seem to have found the right combination of softeners, pro-biotics, fiber, and Omega 3,6,9 going and everything is back to normal. I'm 6 months out now and feeling great! Best decision I've made for myself in quite some time!
I would just like to say thank you for all of the responses to someone else. I am just two weeks out from surgery and I am experiencing pretty constant gas pressure, it was mostly in my shoulders(the pain) until the doctor was able to prescribe me a medication that I am able to take safely to help with my gas. It sucks because having to open the Prilosec Capsule every morning and eat it in yogurt is pretty gross, but after a week of doing this the gas pressure and discomfort has improved.
I was given an rx for Nexxium when I was discharged from the hospital and have had no trouble with indigestion. It's in powder form and mixes with water (it's flavored so it helps when it's mixed with my crushed pills which are sooooo bitter). Thank God it's only another 5 days of crushing pills for me. Perhaps you can discuss this with your surgeon.
Post surgery stomach noises

It sounds like you are doing well, and my stomach almost "sang" opera in the same stage you are in. Just keep doing what you have been told and keep moving, even in small bursts. And yes, I yawned and burped a lot in those stages. It will get better. Keep up with the protein and liquid.
I am a week and half out from surgery. I didn't exerience any gas for about 4 days after surgery. Had first bm about one week after surgery. Requested Colace and bowels have been moving every other day. I feel very good at this point. Good luck on your journey.
I was doing pretty well the first 10 weeks but the last 2 weeks the indigestion and lava-GERD have gotten me down. The Doctor put me back on prilosec 2x a day and that helps a little, especially with the GERD but not as much with the burbling tummy feeling. I get "sick" (light headed, nausa, dizzy, fatigue, generally unwell) when I eat so I have been really limiting my intake. I have to go see the Doctor again next week and if I am still feeling this way will get a swallow study to make sure there are no leaks. Blah. :confused:
I just had my surgery on 9/10/13. I did a lot of reading about what to take to the hospital, and everyone with gas pain swore that heating pads were the way to go. Everyone said that the heating pad was WAY more effective than pain meds at resolving gas problems. That, and the dissolving gas-ex strips, which they let me take in the hospital (even though I brought them from home), were all I needed. I had one day of REALLY bad gas pain, and then my bowels got off their lazy butts and started moving.

As for indigestion, I was told that it was likely a combo of eating too much or too quickly, and it turned out to be true for me. It feels like muscle spasms just below my breastbone. I find that looking up and tilting my head back actually helps when I get too enthusiastic...

Best of luck!
I mentioned above that I was on Nexium. After my first follow-up visit I was told to stop taking it. Well, unfortunately, I am getting indigestion so I am going back on it but will get a prescription for the capsules instead of the powder.
I was really lucky.. They told me I would get terrible gas but I never had gas at all and no bad pain just a little soreness in my tummy when I moved around but as long as I was still.. nothing hurt much at all. It took me 3 weeks to have a bowel movement but I ate very little in the beginning so the doctor said it wasnt a problem. I was prescribed Protonics for 3 months (I think that is how it was spelled) and just went off of it a few days ago. Possibly that is what helped me so much with not having gas?

My Dr. gave me the powdered nexxum also. I am 5 days out and haven't had any indigestion. The gas pains aren't to bad, only in the abdomen. I took very little pain meds in the hospital and have not had any since I came home. I get sore and stiff if I sit to much so I just keep walking.
Hello Amanda, I am two weeks post op and although I didn't have indigestion I had gas which is very normal due to the air nitrous oxide they fill you with during surgery. It will eventually go it takes about 5/6 days but have someone give you a message it does help. However, you should not have indigestion so early on. Are you over eating or even eating at all? At day 5 I was only on clear liquids. If you are having indigestion that you are overeating maybe? I can only eat 3 tablespoons right now. Be really careful about how full you get or you will always have indigestion.