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My surgery Buddy


Active Member
Good morning Gr8k8,

I want you to know that I am praying for you and I am thinking about you. Sending hugz and good thoughts your way. I pray that your surgery goes well and that you have a speedy recovery.

Has anyone heard anything about Gr8k8? Or heard from her? I am worried. Haven't heard anything from her since before her surgery. If anyone has any news please let us know.
Hi Tillie & StinkerBelle,
Thank you for your well wishes. Sorry I worried you, I was just so sick after surgery it was all I could do to drink anything. Immetiately after surgery (10am) I felt fine and just had to sit up so when I got to my room (2pm) I went straight to the chair and stayed for some time. The doc said that since I was doing so well I would probably go home the next day (Tuesday). Well that jinxed it cuz around 10pm that night began my vomiting phase. I was so nauseous that vomiting was a relief with some belly pain from the contractions. I didn't feel any other pain other than that. I had flu like nausea, burning heart burn and needle sharp acid reflux. My doc said 1out of 5 sleeve patients have these symptoms. Oh Boy all I could think of was that all I have to do is remember these days and I will not fall off the wagon once I'm into maintenance.

I slowly got better taking 3 nausea meds, 2 acid reflux meds and 1 gas med. I wouldn't take the pain med cuz it seemed to make mE groggy and since I wasn't experiencing pain it did nothing for me. It took my doc and nurse to convince me to try the OxyContin that it helped with my ability to swallow. I was finally able to down 10oz H2O to go home on Thurs 12/5, 3 days post op. Each moment since I've been home has been am improvement. Oh I forgot to mention the upper respiratory infection I got too. I walked at least 3 times a day for 15-20 min circuits so it wasn't from being in bed too much. I heeded StinkerBelles advice and could only get down and then hold down the little bit of water I drank if I sat straight up so I was either sitting at the side of my bed or in the chair in my room.

Fast forward to day six and I'm able to swallow almost at pre surgery level and no more nausea. Yesterday I drank 57 oz H2O and got 63g of protein down. I'm doing so much better and feel almost normal. I still get tired but not like before. My lungs and sinuses are getting better on the Zithromax I'm taking. I haven't needed any diabetes meds, and only half the BP meds! Woohoo! I've lost 12 lbs too and have been pooping since Friday. My body is rebounding and I am so proud of how it's healed it makes me want to hug myself for persevering and not getting down. My spirits got pretty low on Wed when I knew I wasn't physically ready to go home, but they rose again when I started to respond to the meds. So at this time I can finally say that all of me: My Mind, Body, and Spirit are doing well and know the future is looking very bright.

I'm getting tired now so I'll rest. Thank you all for just being there. TTYL
I am sooooo glad your doing well.... :)

I am like you about the vomiting, that scares the bejezzus out of me...

I am sure the walking helped that upper respiratory from getting worse and progressing into pneumonia...

The worst is over and the best is yet to come....

That is so awesome that you are now getting your liquids and proteins in with very little problems...


Chicken broth is an awesome treat between protein.
OMG my surgery buddy I was so worried about you. I am so glad to hear that you are on the mend. I know that was a frightening experience but you persevered, you could have just sat around and wallowed around and gave into the pain. Walking helped your upper respiratory infection from getting worse I'm sure. Good job on your progress try not to over do. Keep up the good work. Keep us posted. Stinkerbelle gave some excellent advice. BIG HUGZ
Hi Tillie & StinkerBelle,
Thank you for your well wishes. Sorry I worried you, I was just so sick after surgery it was all I could do to drink anything. Immetiately after surgery (10am) I felt fine and just had to sit up so when I got to my room (2pm) I went straight to the chair and stayed for some time. The doc said that since I was doing so well I would probably go home the next day (Tuesday). Well that jinxed it cuz around 10pm that night began my vomiting phase. I was so nauseous that vomiting was a relief with some belly pain from the contractions. I didn't feel any other pain other than that. I had flu like nausea, burning heart burn and needle sharp acid reflux. My doc said 1out of 5 sleeve patients have these symptoms. Oh Boy all I could think of was that all I have to do is remember these days and I will not fall off the wagon once I'm into maintenance.

I slowly got better taking 3 nausea meds, 2 acid reflux meds and 1 gas med. I wouldn't take the pain med cuz it seemed to make mE groggy and since I wasn't experiencing pain it did nothing for me. It took my doc and nurse to convince me to try the OxyContin that it helped with my ability to swallow. I was finally able to down 10oz H2O to go home on Thurs 12/5, 3 days post op. Each moment since I've been home has been am improvement. Oh I forgot to mention the upper respiratory infection I got too. I walked at least 3 times a day for 15-20 min circuits so it wasn't from being in bed too much. I heeded StinkerBelles advice and could only get down and then hold down the little bit of water I drank if I sat straight up so I was either sitting at the side of my bed or in the chair in my room.

Fast forward to day six and I'm able to swallow almost at pre surgery level and no more nausea. Yesterday I drank 57 oz H2O and got 63g of protein down. I'm doing so much better and feel almost normal. I still get tired but not like before. My lungs and sinuses are getting better on the Zithromax I'm taking. I haven't needed any diabetes meds, and only half the BP meds! Woohoo! I've lost 12 lbs too and have been pooping since Friday. My body is rebounding and I am so proud of how it's healed it makes me want to hug myself for persevering and not getting down. My spirits got pretty low on Wed when I knew I wasn't physically ready to go home, but they rose again when I started to respond to the meds. So at this time I can finally say that all of me: My Mind, Body, and Spirit are doing well and know the future is looking very bright.

I'm getting tired now so I'll rest. Thank you all for just being there. TTYL

So glad you are home and doing so much better. :)
Sounds like you've got this post op thing licked. Keep doing what you're doing and the rest will follow.