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New Video of a TV segment with My Surgeon Dr. Neil Floch

Thanks so much Cheyenne, I just posted another video about weight loss maintenance as well


Hi Linney, Just watched your video on maintenance, very good!!!

My menu is usually an egg scrambled in the morning with a slice of cheese melted over it, or a hard boiled egg. Then I take my supplements, Chewable calcium, 2 Centrum vitamins, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12, an aspirin plus my medication for my heart and cholesterol. Lunch usually is a salad with chicken cut up in the salad, tomatoes, celery and green pepper with Italian dressing. Dinner is usually Chicken breast or fish with green beans. In the evening I sometimes will have a few grapes, or an apple or a 100 calorie yogurt... For awhile I wasnt eating much vegetables at all and no fruit but rather eggs, meat and fish and just a small spoonful of green beans once a day period and I lost weight wonderfully.. BUT.. I beame so constipated that I was sick from it. So I'm now eating more vegetables and I am doing much better, bathroom wise and probably health wise too.

Cheyenne :cool:
I watched the utube videos. You were great. Overall, it was very factual and informative, glad I watched them.
Hi Cheyenne,

Thank you for your feedback. It sounds like you're eating well, and are mindful of your caloric and protein intake. If you like beans, they are a great source of protein as well. Try to make a tuna salad with chick peas, cannolini, or kidney beans. You can also eat lentil soup that is filled with fiber and also nuts if you're not allergic to them they assist with constipation. Olive oil and vinegar on your bean salad is good as well. I love broccoli, kale, green beans, broccoli rabe with beans. They are great veggies that not only contain iron, but calcium as well. Apples have a lot of fiber in them too and aid with constipation. Drinking a lot of water also helps a lot and has many benefits. Thanks for sharing! Linney
Thank you Sherriec for you feedback. I'm going to be doing weekly videos and I'll post them on this site to keep you updated! Linney
Hi Cheyenne,

Thank you for your feedback. It sounds like you're eating well, and are mindful of your caloric and protein intake. If you like beans, they are a great source of protein as well. Try to make a tuna salad with chick peas, cannolini, or kidney beans. You can also eat lentil soup that is filled with fiber and also nuts if you're not allergic to them they assist with constipation. Olive oil and vinegar on your bean salad is good as well. I love broccoli, kale, green beans, broccoli rabe with beans. They are great veggies that not only contain iron, but calcium as well. Apples have a lot of fiber in them too and aid with constipation. Drinking a lot of water also helps a lot and has many benefits. Thanks for sharing! Linney

How much beans do you think I should eat with my meat? Maybe 1/4 a cup? I don't like kidney beans but I do love navy and pinto beans. Do you think they would be okay? What is the best kind of nuts? I love pistachio, pecans, and cashews? I know they are nutritious but high in calories, how many should I eat a day? I do love broccoli but only with cheese melted on it, which is alright to do I guess as I put cheese on my eggs. A few weeks after my surgery I was all into eating different things like tuna salad, salmon, carrots, cottage cheese and applesauce. Lately I just have been focusing on meat, but I guess I need to get back to a more well rounded menu. Thanks for the input, Linney. :) All your videos are so informative, they are excellent!!! Thanks Again.

Cheyenne. :cool:
Thanks Karenina. I speak in a public forum often, and that's what has made me brave. The very first time I presented, my voice was shaking. But after 2.5 years of publicly speaking, it has come very easy. Thank you for watching my videos. Linney
As far as your bean intake, I would start out with 2 oz. at first 3 oz. the most and go from there. Check out the protein content on the navy and pinto beans to ensure you'll get an adequate amount of protein. As far as eating nuts, the most beneficial ones are Brazilian nuts, which contain a lot of iron, they are the large nuts in the assorted can of planters peanuts. They are large in size, look them up to get a visual on their appearance. Also almonds a palm full is sufficient for a snack, and walnuts, which are bitter in taste, but very beneficial. Try eating your broccoli with minced garlic sautéed with some olive oil poured on top. Salmon is great, Tuna fish, not too many carrots, celery with peanut butter on them is good, celery has a lot of fiber. Lean meats are beneficial as well. Let me know what you think. The cleaner you eat, the better off you'll be. You're welcome, Linney
Thank you so much Linney for all you've done here. You are well spoken and empart confidence that is encouraging and attainable for anyone going on this adventure. I'm sure I will watch these three YouTube segments again and again.

Thank you.
Thank you for watching these videos. I appreciate your feedback and humbled by your kudos. I have posted other videos on my blog site if you're interested in seeing them as well. I wish you much success on your journey. Peace, Linney
Thanks for posting this Linney!!! You and your surgeon did great on tv! :)

Great videos Linney.

I also found that the maintenance video was most informative.

Right now, I am down 50 pounds at 9 weeks post op. I have entered a weight plateau that began on 12/20/2013. I know it will resolve on itself eventually. So I go about my business making sure I get my 80 grams of protein a day and stay below 1200 calories a day. I know I am doing this since I journal everything that goes into my body.

I also journal my exercise. The two exercises that I get involved with is walking and driving. Most people do not realize that driving for long periods of time also burns calories. You are constantly using muscles in arms and legs as you drive; albeit a slow burn per minute. It does add up when you drive 2 to 4 hours a day. I have a part time job; limo driver!

I also like to get out and walk my dogs. I generally walk the circuit around my home of 1.25 miles. I will up that as weather permits. Right now, this isn't happening since it is simply dangerous outside with windchills below zero here on Long Island, NY and for that matter the USA !!!

The true key for me is staying below 1200 calories per day as I assure 80 grams of protein intake.

For example, yesterday I didn't have more than 1000 calories. I don't count casual exercise at all. However, yesterday I know I did a fair amount of walking but it wasn't planned exercise. Today there will be some driving for about an hour and a half as I need to take my eldest son back to his group home.

Thanks for your videos. Thanks for your sharing your experience.

Either go to my Profile, and view blog entries, or they are under the blog category My Life you'll find all of my blogs.
Thank you Ralph for your informative comments. It appears you're on the right track. In the beginning of my journey, I totally abstained from bread, pasta, rice, and any other carb that I considered a "bad carb" I didn't even eat a cracker. I was on 900 calories per day and lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time. I stayed away from the referenced carbs for 1 year, and then SLOWLY brought them back but not a lot of them and not taking them in all of the time. I work out on the weekends. I'll do a workout in the morning, then in the afternoon, and then in the evening. After I work out I take in a protein shake for toning and replacing the protein I've lost during the workout. I live near you in CT and it's freezing out, but when it's warm I'll walk a lot outdoors or play tennis. During the workweek I'll walk up and down my 13 steps in the house to get a workout in. That's only if I'm up to do it. I report to work very early in the morning, so I want to make sure I'm well-rested. Thank you for your comments again, Linney
You're very welcome exoticbird, I have 11 videos that I've posted on my Blog site as well under MyLife (Linney). Each time I create a new video, I post it on that page where I have all of my other videos posted as well. Thank you and I'm happy to hear it's given you inspiration.

Does anyone have suggestions about journeling and or keeping a food and activity diary? I just keep procrastinating. I start and stop over and over. I'm on week #5...still in liquid and puree stage... enjoying weight loss...not yet got exercise going regular too much snow to walk....have dropped a lot of old habits like caffeine but wouldn't have if not for the surgery (grateful for that!). Enjoying Linney's videos...hope when I get to my goals I'll be able to help others too.