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Not having a good day


I am one week out from gastric sleeve surgery and my mammogram shows something. Now I have to go back in today for more tests. I'm afraid I am going to have to cancel my surgery. It doesn't seem fair but I know I can deal with whatever god hands me. One day at a time!
Hi Ellen, You must make sure you are healthy before the surgery, we can only pray that is just an fatty deposit, it must be scarey for you but like you said God will not give us more than we can handle. My thoughts and prayers are with you. :cool: Tom
Well, glad to say that the 2nd test was all good and my surgery has been moved up by two days - October 2nd here I come! Thanks for the thoughts!
Hi, Ellen,

I'm so happy your mammogram scare turned out to be just that . . . a scare. After that, wls should be a breeze! lol

Woo Hoo!!!
EllenIrene, you had your surgery Oct 2, HOW are you doing? Hope it all went well and you are now about to start to eat real food next week or so. Let us know.
I am doing great. Went back to work today. 32 lbs lost so far. Just sick and tired of protein shakes but only about 1 1/2 weeks to go til I can eat something else.
Keep us informed about how it is going!! Glad to hear it is going so well. did you have Duodenal Sleeve or Gastric Bypass etc.?
Congrats to you EllenIrene...I hope your day back to work was a good one. Please keep us posted to your journey. We learn from each other. Take care.