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Ok friends got another question. Do you think pouches can be different sizes?


The reason I ask is I'm 7 weeks out an still have a very hard time getting in 2 tablespoons of food. So far the only think I can get a serving size of is yogurt an I found some laser thin sliced turkey an very thin sliced cheddar cheese that a roll together. Both of those are the only thing I can get down with our feeling pressure in my chest an getting all watery mouthed. I know most will say your taking to big of bites or your eating to fast. Nope not the case. I eat with a baby spoon an cocktail fork. I wait at least 2 to 3 minutes between bites an stop eating at 30 minutes. Most time before then cause of the feeling I wil throw up if I take another bite. Sometimes I do throw up. It's become routine to throw up now. My husband is so worried that I'm gonna starve if I don't start eating more. Just this week I started to be able to get down the new Greek yogurt that has 10 grams protein in it. So I know with the few bites of things I do get in its not near enough protein so I am still drinking one shake a day an three glasses of milk. Feeling very lost. Go to see the nutritionist in the morning hoping she can get some insight. Can I eat spagetti? I've been craving it but didn't know if its something I could have. My local stores carries the dream field brand which is low carb. I just want something I can take more than 2 to 3 bites of an not feeling like I'm gonna puke. I don't like seeing my husband an kids so worried. Please if anyone has any ideals of something I can eat please share. I've tried beef, pork, chicken an they all make me react the same way. Well I throw up with chicken so it most def is not my friend. Even eggs don't go we'll, I usaly can eat a tablespoon of eggs before my pouch screams at me to stop. Just need some ideals.
Hi Donna, sorry to hear you're having problems still. I started out eating chili and it is a favorite of mine. I've never had trouble getting it down. I normally get a small Wendy's Chili, with their reduced fat sour cream. Lots of protein and tastes great. I hope this helps. Keep your head up, we're pulling for you.



Everyone is different Donna, ten different people with the same surgery will have ten different experiences. There is no sense in trying to force anything at this point. You just had major surgery and your body is still in the healing process. Certain things will become easier as you go along and certain things will stay as they are. You are learning to cope with your new anatomy and your anatomy is changing as it heals. Do your best at filling the requirements of your program but don't obsess over them if you don't. It may take some time but you will get there. Your protein shake should have a minimum of 20 grams of protein or more. Pasta and rice are a definite no no, I just got back from a meeting with my dietitian, so I can tell you that with an absolute certainty. I have had a similar troubles holding down food after eating in front of my family but I always tell them it just a phase and it will get better, and it did. Make sure meals and drinks are separated never taken together. Just follow your plan to the best of your ability and set your mind at ease and do as much, for your family to put a happy face on it. I know you have it in you to be a great actress. It will improve, I promise. Tell me again how much weight you have lost?

PS. Try Bocca burgers from COSTCO vegetable protein some times will go down easier than animal protein, they have a lot of protein and are cheap and easy to prepare in the microwave.
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Hi Donna,

I have a band so my problems are quite different from yours. As I understand it the pouch from a bypass is about the size of an egg so it does not surprise me that you feel full after a small amount. If you need it you can increase your shakes to two a day to get in that protein. A glass of milk has about 10 Grams of protein so if you made two shakes a day with milk you could get up to 30 Grams and then eat your yogurt. I too love the Greek yogurt and eat that almost every day. Keep trying the food. Some have said they really like mashed beans, and the chili from Wendy's is great. I still make my own most of the time and I do like it. Pasta for me is a definite no no but I do tolerate it better now (it's been over a year) and I know others on here who do use the Dreamfield pasta but not this early in their programs. Best to check with your nutritionist. Check on creamed or pureed soups, sugar free puddings and jello if they are not too sweet. Make sure you are chewing at least thirty times so the food is practically liquid before you swallow it. That works best for me and it has been hard for me. Turkey doesn't sit well with me but chicken does, and very thin shaved ham works well. Sometimes I can tolerate tuna and sometimes I can't. Best of luck. With the milk and one shake and what little you are able to eat I think you are doing well. Things are different day to day almost. ie. I tolerated eggs really well at first then one day they made sick as a dog. After a couple of weeks I tried them again and was fine. Give it some time and do check with the nutritionist. Are you taking your vitamins, calcium, and any other meds yet? Good luck, Joy
Doing all that's required the chewing an not drinking 30 before or after. As far as weight loss I'm down 45 lbs. some weeks I lose 5 to 6 some just three. Oh yes everyday is different. Today is a not so hot but I'm just taking it in stride. Just want to not get sick so often. Makes you not want to eat. But I still try 3 times a day some days no problem others not so good. Just keeping my fingers crossed that the good will out weigh the bad really soon. Gonna try the chilli ASAP.
I just want to ad that this a head game just as much as the surgery. Attitude is so important, I think about what I can have and am grateful for what stays with me. I Never obsess about what I can't have or missing because to me they don't exist anymore. If one thing doesn't go down well, there are ten things out there that will, the trick is to make a game about finding those things that do go down well. 45 pounds how great is that! Congratulation! Be brave and put on smile and believe you've made the best decision of your life. Because you are going to be there for your kids and grand kids. Always take the long view.
Donna, your experience sounds fringe to me. I would ask to see the surgeon. I have heard of pouches being too small and having to be revised.