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Pre-op duodenal switch Newbie


Hi! I am new.
I am from Indianapolis, IN, and 41 years old.

I go for my complete pre-op testing on January 21st, once I pass those, my surgery will scheduled.
I am excited, nervous, and I want to know everything about everyone's experiences.

I look forward to talking with everyone.
Hi! I am new.
I am from Indianapolis, IN, and 41 years old.

I go for my complete pre-op testing on January 21st, once I pass those, my surgery will scheduled.
I am excited, nervous, and I want to know everything about everyone's experiences.

I look forward to talking with everyone.

WELCOME to the Forum, GirlFriday!

It's perfectly natural to be nervous, excited and even a little scared at the same time. Weight loss surgery will be the beginning of your new healthier life! CONGRATULATIONS on your decision.

I had been very overweight for many years, but I was pretty healthy and active. The last few years I had some major health problems, pneumonia and a pulmonary embolism and became very inactive and I gained another 100 pounds. I couldn't breathe well, I had sleep apnea, I was on blood pressure meds, heart meds and was becoming insulin resistant. I really felt that I might die.

I had my r-n-y gastric bypass about 18 months ago. Surgery saved my life. I feel like a normal person now. My health problems have all resolved. I am off most all of my meds now. My severe sleep apnea is gone and I feel wonderful! I still have weight to lose but if I never lost another pound, I am so very happy. The joy of buying regular size clothes instead of size 5xxx is awesome! When I go out I can sit in any chair without worrying that the arms are too tight against me. Life is AMAZING!!! I can shop! I can walk at the mall, I can walk at Walmart Super Center for 2 hours straight now.

Good luck to you on your weight loss journey and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have :)

Cheyenne :cool:
Cheyenne says it so well.

Strangely, on the day I walked in for my surgery, I was calm and ready. All the decision making was over. The new journey was about to begin.

This is a journey I will never regret.

It gave me my life back.

It will do the same for you.
